The man's face turned red with rage, and he suddenly lashed out, slapping the waiter across the face with noises of plates clattering on the floor from the heavy hit.

The entire restaurant came to an abrupt halt as the sound of a sharp slap echoed through the air. All eyes turned to a well-dressed man who was towering over a young waiter, who was clutching his reddened cheek in pain.

The man's girlfriend looked mortified, and several people around them began to murmur in disapproval.

Gary couldn't help but feel disgusted at the man's behavior. He had no right to treat another human being in such a manner, regardless of how much money he had.

How dare you spill wine on me!" the man bellowed. "Do you have any idea who I am?"

The waiter trembled as the man continued to berate him, demanding that he apologize and bow down before him. The other diners watched in stunned silence, unsure of what to do.

"How dare you! How dare you stain my shirt with your worthless meal and wine? Do you know
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