Upon Gary's return, he took the elevator up to the top floor of his building and stepped out into his luxurious penthouse. As he walked in, he glanced around, taking in the grandeur of his home.

The high ceilings, elegant furniture, and large windows that overlooked the city skyline. He breathed a sigh of relief, happy to be back in his sanctuary.

But something seemed off. He couldn't hear the usual sound of Steve bustling around the house, preparing dinner or getting things ready for him. Gary looked around, puzzled, wondering where his butler could be. He took a few steps forward, then hesitated as he heard a voice coming from his study room.

Curious, Gary approached the door and listened intently. At first, he could hear Steve's voice emanating from his study with a worried tone, and then he wondered what Stebe could be doing in his study room.

He heard Steve's voice on the phone, speaking in a low tone. Gary's ears perked up as he overheard something interesting. "It's time to re
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