The supreme villa is situated in the center of the city and covers about 30,000 square meters. In Linton City, it was the biggest, most luxurious, and sophisticated villa.

Rieka stood in the foyer, speechless as she gazed around the villa. It was more than a palace.

She had known any man who would bid to have her would treat her worse than a slave because he bought her.

She thought her only duty was to keep the bed of the highest bidder warm, following the desperation of her family, despite not having an idea about the stranger.

Bringing her to such a luxurious place made her mind race about the intentions of the man.

“This house belongs to a distant family member, I live here so I could take care of the house in his absence.”

Rieka nodded.

Noah stood beside her and stretched his hands to hold her by the waist.

"I am not ready…"

Rieka shivered. Her mind was restless and scared. What if she doesn't satisfy him? She is yet to come to terms with the fact she is now a bondwoman.

Nevertheless, he held her waist and motioned her to have a seat.

Rieka was extremely nervous, she felt like a sheep to be slaughtered and had no say about issues in her life.

He had a pitiful expression on his face, a rare look for him. Remorseful he spoke, "I am sorry for all you passed through, you've gone through a lot."

Rieka sighed with her face expressionless. She tapped her feet gently on the floor to control the tension she was passing through.

"You'll recover totally from whatever amnesia you suffer from." Confidently, Noah said.

She fidgeted, not responding to what he said.

"I'll be back!"

Noah excused himself but returned in less than a minute holding a box.

The contents of the boxes were syringes, herbs, tablets, bottles containing unknown substances, and gloves.

Noah picked one of the bottles containing a substance, shaking it well to ensure even distribution.

Next, he sat beside her. She stared at him clueless. He stretched his hands around her shoulder but she stood up immediately. Folding her arms, she questioned, "What exactly is my job here?"

"Obey, lie flat with your face facing upward."

Lying down flat, tears welled in Rieka's eyes. She said calmly, "I am not ready for this. Let's do it some other time."

She knew what being a bondwoman entails, to avoid her family's wrath she must satisfy his desires.

After the incident, she he used drinking to numb herself

 which led to memory loss. She could barely remember all that happened. But her family's daily insults and humiliation made her sad.

With his gaze fixed on her, Noah could feel the extent of her pain.

He hesitated but finally held her hands. He assured her calmly, "Trust me, I won't harm you."

Rieka's heart tinged with peace.

Noah took some from the substance in the bottle and gently massaged it on her face and her hair.

When he was done, Rieka's face was shining brightly.

He requested her to close her eyes.

"In five days, you'll never experience memory loss again. I promise you."

"I hope so," Rieka responded but her voice coated with doubt.

"Sure, I mean all I said."

Noah's charming, and gentle voice gave her relief.

So fast, five days had passed by.

Within those five days, She experienced genuine care, rest of mind, and happiness compared to the last five years of her life.

Every day, he makes sure she eats well, takes fruits, and has enough rest.

For five days, he applied the substance to her face daily without minding if he had other schedules.

She found it hard to believe she was pampered and cared for by someone she barely knew.

She felt life had given her a chance to love.

Sitting in the foyer, Rieka suddenly screamed.

"Please… don't hurt me!" She held onto the seat firmly.

Tears began to roll down her cheeks, and at a fast pace, her body trembled.

Noah rushed to the foyer, he met her trembling and crying profusely. Then she mumbled.

"I meant no harm. I could not watch them torture him to death. I had a guilty conscience and had no choice but to plot his escape."

"It's enough." Noah slowly rubbed her back giving her comfort.

Then, Rieka wiped away her tears with the back of her hand but sobbed inwardly.

"Why did I remember…?"

Five years ago, she was humiliated and abused.

No matter the efficiency of the drugs and therapy she couldn't remember all that happened that night.

Nevertheless, a turnaround occurred!

She held his hand tightly and buried her face in his chest. The pains she felt five years ago seemed fresh.

Noah hugged Rieka tightly. "It's all in the past now. You did the right thing by allowing him to escape."

Rieka was so emotional and forgot it was time to have her bath.

He loosened his grip around her and whispered. "Go have a warm bath so you can feel refreshed. I got you some clothes, just pick the one you are comfortable in."

Giving a loud sigh, Rieka headed to the bathroom.

Noah rested on the couch, lighting a cigarette. His phone was placed on his ears.

"What information have you gathered?"

"General! Grichys, Swelvys, and Ariel's are now a strong force. Nevertheless, give the order and they'll be taken care of.

Noah kept mute.

"Supreme ruler, we can't spare them. They don't deserve to move about freely. Say the word…


Immediately, the voice on the other side stopped talking.

Noah used the tip of his finger to quench the burning cigarette. "I'll settle my scores with them. You should take care of the border, henceforth, I'm no longer the general. Don't worry about them, I have it under control."

The voice on the other side muttered. "We can help! I know you are the supreme ruler but I beg you let us help you out."

Noah spoke in a commanding tone. "I'll deal with it myself. This is a family affair. When it's settled, I'll stay with Rieka and enjoy a peaceful and quiet life without war.


"Bye! Noah hung up.

Rieka returned from the bathroom.

She wore a white sleeveless dress which showed her cleavage.

She walked over and sat next to him. Her glowing skin made him stare.

She became tense because of his stare, although she did not know if he did not like the outfit or if she was shy.

She had spent some days with Noah but now she felt different towards him. Say shy or she was trying to figure out how she got fond of him easily.

Jolting out of her thoughts, Rieka asked, "Is anything the problem?"

Noah looked at her mesmerizing eyes, "How about we make it official? Let's get married."


Rieka was surprised and confused at the sudden proposal from the man who she was supposed to be his bondwoman.

Noah gave a sly grin. "I want to be part of your family. Your grandfather gave you to me as a bondwoman but beyond that I want you to be mine."

"I'll be glad if you become my wife."

“It will be my pleasure.”

The past five days were the best days of her life, having nothing to worry about and forgetting about her toxic environment meant a lot.

Noah had shown her care and his kind gesture had maneuvered his way into her heart.

No man had treated her in such a manner!

She winked at Noah.

The next day.

Walking so close to each other, a man and a woman stepped out of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Rieka looked at the marriage certificate and shook her head.

She was now a Mrs?

Drooling over her change in marital status. She was offered as a bondwoman but ended up as a wife.

However, She has no idea about the identity of Noah, her husband.

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