Last briefing

They finished eating and Islinda guided them into the briefing room. Yuan and the others walked inside the room. They were still talking as they arrived at the room and took their seats.

Many students were already making friends with the others and Jake was steadily making new friends. He has surpassed anyone when it comes to having friends and he was still not sweating it.

Shiro was surprised by every friend that came to talk to them. Making their group the center of attention.

Islinda then went to the front and made her announcement, "Welcome everyone to the briefing room! We will discuss some things before you all will proceed to your training properly. Make this a final briefing before you take your flight as birds soar in the winds.

"You will all be introduced first to the virus. The virus is highly contagious and can spread fast in the way of direct contact. Luckily it is not airborne but it can still spread fast. Bites from the zombies will make you turn in just several seconds
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