Genius Copycat In Zombie World
Genius Copycat In Zombie World
Author: Grandmaster

The Zombie outbreak has begun and the government was fast in acting up to suppress the plague. But sadly, they still failed. Only giving a small time to slow down the infection.

The zombie virus immunization project was starting in making progress but the team of scientists needed help in extracting the zombie virus from the source.

And that was the Lab of human immortality research. Specifically handling human experiments in making superior bodies or the superhuman project.

In the failure of the research. They utterly spewed Hell in the world. Making things worse, the infection was just in a few days and the virus has taken almost half of the world. But the recruitment for the Last Hope Project was just in a few days too. At the same time the threat was detected.

Our MC was Yuan and he was playing basketball with his friends. Many watched from the top of the gym. Some were cheering on their favorite basketball player.

They have a banner with his name embedded in it. Lifting it to show their support for him. The game was intense and the hearts of the watchers raced.

On the court, Yuan was dribbling the ball.

Tak! Tak!

He was the Forward for this assault and it was him to charge the enemy fray. Dashing with the ball in his hands, he was guarded by his man to man guard.

He dribbled the ball between the legs and then ducked so low, lower than the hands of his opponent. Making him cross over to his opponent.

It was then, two guards appeared to block his path. Hands wide open not to make him pass. Yuan then smirked, they all gulped their saliva as they knew that they would get crushed.

Yuan slammed the ball to his left and then, they all went sideways. It was then, he grabbed the ball and slammed it to the right. Making the two have their legs falter. Yuan then went to their right in a burst of speed and dashed as he passed them by.

His bystanders were frozen as they tried to move their feet. The toll to abort your movement halfway made their feet stiffen. Yuan then threw the ball on the board and then jumped high.

Grabbing the ball then with all his strength, he slammed it to the ring.


Yuan then landed on the wooden tiles then sprang up. It was then, Yuan dashed back towards their ring.

"Retaliate!" Shouted the enemy captain.

It was then, Yuan ran as the enemy made a fastbreak. Throwing the ball towards their teammate on the other side. The ball landed on their teammate and it made a layup just below the ring.

It was then, his role as the Center turned to play. Yuan then passed by several enemies and teammates alike and jumped high. Making the players on the field perplexed in awe.


A block was made on the opponent. Making the ball bounce below. One enemy was nearby and grabbed the ball then passed it towards the enemy shooting guard. Preparing to shoot, he went into a shooting form. Releasing the ball from his hands as he made a jump shot.

It was then, Yuan dashed and jumped towards him. Hands up high as he reached for the released ball mid-air. It was then, he went higher and higher and blocked the ball.


"I am the center, don't mess with me if I am in the court," Yuan said to him.

The enemy can only gulp his saliva as he feels a chill on his spine. He thought that such an absurd enemy was facing him currently.

It was then it was their time to respond. Yuan grabbed the ball and he was the point guard this time. He told them to chill out and to make a score without fail.

They went to the enemy ring and it was their time to make a score. Entering the half-court of the enemy base, he dribbled the ball as he exhibited his ball-handling skills. It was time to show the Point guard of the team.

Tak! Tak! Tak!

A dribble from his left to right and back to his left. He moved his direction to his left then burst towards his right.


It made his enemy fall victim to his ankle break. Making his enemy slam his butt to the wooden tiles, failing to stand up immediately.

Yuan then dashed but he was guarded with two enemies. From his eyes, his teammates were heavily guarded. He dribbled a bit and moved towards his left enemy.

In an instant, he turned left so his guards moved to their right.

'Their foot is moving towards my bait. Wait for them to move and I will move in a different direction.' Yuan said in his mind.

As he predicted, they moved to their right. It was time to burst to the left. With a split-second movement, he moved to the left and all his guards were all down. They slammed their butts to the floor.

'His feints and fakes are perfect. If only I was as great as him.' Said in the mind of the one he broke his ankle.

Yuan then moved and the other defenders were all on him. Only two were left to guard the ring. They moved to double guard him.

With the anticipated attack, Yuan then passed the ball to his three-pointer teammate.

He dashed towards them to create a space and then he called for the ball.

"Pass here!" Yuan said.

Immediately he passed the ball towards Yuan.

'Shooting guard time,' he whispered in his self.

Yuan was already bending his knees and when the ball landed in his hands. He summoned his strength from his feet then jumped just right. He released the ball with the right amount of force and he lets it go with the right timing.


'I knew it would land the ring even I will close my eyes,' Yuan said as he visualized the arch of the released ball in the air.


Sounded the basket of the ring.

"Yeah! We won! You should have dunked it but you hesitated Marlin!" Said his friend Andrey.

"Whoa! I thought you would dunk it! Nice call!" said Johnson. He said then tapped his shoulders.

"We love you, Marlin! Ahhhhhh!!!" Shouted the fans.

Yuan looked at them and he waved goodbye to them. He was one of the campus heartthrobs that excels in basketball and many sports.

It was sudden, many swat teams appeared armed with assault rifles and moved in formation.

Move! Move! move!

The supposed to be captain of the team called forth his name, "Yuan Subaru Smith?"

"Yes? It's me, why?" he asked.

"You are selected as a student of Zombie extermination project in the Academy. You have no choice and this is a command from the president himself," He said.

"What? Zombies? So it has begun?"

"Yes, and time is ticking. The spread of virus is faster than we thought. Please consider our offer, you are the last hope of humanity," he politely said.

"Then count me in!"

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