Mission Possible

Ayaka and Joon-ho looked over their orders, which were incredibly broad. Normally, military orders would provide detail after detail, along with multiple contingencies at every escalation step up to and including planetary destruction.

Thanks to training in the simulation, they even knew what a planet looked like after being hit by one of the spinal-mounted planetkiller coilguns mounted on some of the TFS ships. And they also knew what would happen if even a TES exploration cruiser were to continuously bombard a planet with their spinal-mounted coilguns.

It only took the two a few minutes before Ayaka began asking questions. “Who is going to be assigned to our task force, Admiral?” she asked.

“Whoever you need, Captain. You have full authority and first priority to pick whomever you think you’ll need on your team.”

“What about materiel, Sir? It simply says here that we’ll have ‘full access to any and all necessary resources.’”

“Full access means full access. You even have first priori
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