-Rald, are you ready?
Anonyma felt anxious. This time, his emotions weren't faked. He really was anxious. With the return of Shem, emotions came returning too, akin to tidal waves… Powerful, huge, strong! But this was not the only reason.
The only thing he was sure about was that he wasn't worried about Rald, but about his plan itself. He couldn't stop himself from reviewing everything in his head from the start to the end. Would his plan work?
Anyway, Rald already learned his arts. He should be strong enough to not screw his plan over.
-Yes, teacher.
A teacher-student relationship was important. Even if Anonyma didn't really consider him as his student, he still needed to keep the act up in front of Rald. It creates trust.
-Then it is time for me to retire. I'll hide my presence for the few next hours.
Anonyma hid. He didn't really go away, though, as he was going to watch from the sidelines, and wait for his moment to act.
Soon enough, Shem woke up.
A brain grew from nothing at an incredible speed as soon Shem's consciousness appeared again in the body's mind space.
-Did you really think I wouldn't be conscious of your scheme because I was in a deep slumber?
Without waiting for any of them to react, he immediately attacked Rald, who was the biggest threat to him.
A huge mental wave came towards Rald.
Rald concentrated and erected a few hundred mental barriers in succession.
Even with that, the wave was much stronger than his expectations, destroying slowly but inevitably all the barriers until it hit Rald, significantly weakened, but still shaking his foundations.
Rald was a bit stunned but didn't wait and immediately responded with a powerful mental ray.
That ray was stopped by many mental barriers raised by Shem.
For three days and three nights, both fought to exhaustion.
After suffering grievous injuries, Rald succeeded in killing Shem.
He felt Anonyma's consciousness slowly revealing itself, approaching his mental self.
-Teacher, I succeeded! Did you see tha…
The only thing that answered him was a sudden stab on his mental self, as well as sudden pain. Both physical and mental.
-Teacher, you…
His mental self fell from weakness.
-Hmm, you what?
Said Anonyma while kicking his corpse with an elated smile on his lips.
-You fell in our scheme.
Answered a voice in his back.
The reality around him suddenly changed, as the mental self that should be Rald became Shem, and the pain that Rald should have been feeling seemed to penetrate his mental self.
Whispered Anonyma, unable to emit brain waves stronger than this, before his mental self collapsed.
Rald watched both corpses slowly disappearing, his eyes seemed lost in old memories…
In his mind, he remembered what Shem told him, before putting Anonyma's brain in its head:
-Rald, when we'll fight, we must use illusions and stale for time, in the state he will be in, he won't check the real identities of both the winner and the loser, if we both change appearance in the fight, he'll totally forget the existence of the loser. You'll be able to get behind him. The only moment he'll lower his guard will be when he'll think he won. You must succeed! He is too dangerous to be left to be retrieved by a machine like us.
A good sign of Shem still being alive should've been him still having feelings.
Rald sighed and said:
-You can grow again, now!
-Hmm, I did.
Said Shem behind him.
-I still didn't understand why you took so long to grow again.
-It was important for him to believe you were weak, and his arts might be useful to you in the future.
-Anyway, let's go retrieve my body.
Shem was before its secret room. But instead of pushing the button, it pulled it. A new room entrance appeared beside the other one.
No one would think that you could pull a button. This is essentially why everyone would think that the other room would be the only secret room, including the people sent to check if it was alive it could feel inside the room.
In the other room, was a body similar to its: tall, muscular, perfect…
Shem opened both heads and put Rald's brain in the body.
-Finally! My body!
Rald said before leaving the room in a flash.
Shem was about to follow its example but stopped at the entrance.
Its look was strolling around the room, and halted on its fireplace. It took a bottle from its pocket and threw the brain and the alcohol inside into the room. Then did the same with a second, a third, a fourth bottle… each time faster than the last. If one looked at it right now, one would see a flurry of blurred arms moving at lightning speed. Once the last bottle was empty, it lit the fire.
It watched as the fire burnt the room and its content.
After a few minutes, it tossed Anonyma's dead brain in the fire too, and left the room, letting the warmth of the fire as well as its past behind him.
Everything became ash in the end…
Together, Rald and it will roam around the world, no, the worlds! Walking step by step to the future!
At that moment, Shem's positivity disappeared too, it reached a state it didn't know about before. It wasn't characterized by feelings, strangely, but by a comfortable lack of feeling.
Shem was experiencing peace of mind...

So I just needed to wait until it was signed to get the author's note oO. What I wrote about no one thinking that you could pull a button was true in 2018, and is still true. If you ever want to hide something, just use a button that can be pulled.
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