Keywords: Nothing/none/blank/emptiness/gone/empty/disappear
Squatting Eagle was happily playing when she asked a question he wasn't ready for:
-What kind of backing do you have?
This question was sharp, but he managed to not be overwhelmed by his emotions, and quite quickly, he reached the same conclusion as usual: it would be better for them if they didn't even know I existed.
He kept his usual dumb face, and said a half-truth, just omitting the details:
-Up there.
After that, Tanya seemed to be lost in thoughts. It was something that Squatting Eagle didn't want her to do so he immediately acted as usual:
Back in 2018, I made this bitter end because I didn't want to write her emancipation. I wanted to keep the idea that this story was like a picture of that society. I could maybe one day write a continuation where she'd join a rebellion, or struggle against the society, or even work with Squatting Eagle to fight against the society from the inside, by getting promoted, but it'd probably not be my highest priority among the continuations I want to write.ClemCa

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