"Who was that?"

      He had been kicked from reality into gnawing gloom after that voice he couldn't discern. And again the voice woke him up. Tossed him back into reality. He had no idea what was happening to him. He had no idea what pain he was going to make of his patience. He was trying to be sane enough to decode the stance but he wasn't sure how well he would be able to do that. He hadn't been that responsible and being responsible was never and would never be part of his agenda or plan. He had never given a fuck what people would think or did think. He hated to nurse the throbbing thought of he being a human. He knew he was some missing link between some odd entities, but he couldn't be sure what they were. He didn't know who they were and if he did figure out, he was so sure that he would not pardon them. He was damn sure that he would make them smell the loo of their shenanigans. He knew w

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