"Not too bad for a monarch."

      He knew he was getting more patient than he used to be. He had no idea what was happening to him. His thoughts should be raging. His instinct should be quaking. His rage should be rent and his ire be supplanted. He had no idea why he was being as cool. That was more than a little bit faker skin of himself. That was more of a mountain of odd parts wearing out his patience. He knew that there were quite the numbers of things he would not take. He was just being patient. Not because he was sane. He was scheming his plot. That was the thing he was skilled at. And he had gotten on it. The lady who was speaking seemed all saucy. Exactly like the Nymph. He didn't care how powerful or influential they were or could be. Didn't matter to him. He didn't care. What mattered to him had been extended. He was having his rage tamed for the meantime. He wouldn't continue being ruth

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