"I'm sure you do have more things to say. Speak on. Speak and speak. Let me hear you speak. Speak up. Make your voice loud. Make it clear. Let all who do live around hear the call you prune. Cry and say it. Let us all know of what stuff you are made. Let them hear you and come tumbling here. Let them feel the pain you have been savoring. Let's see who would be there for you. Let's see who would stand for you. Let's see who would understand your stance and fiddle with the pain. Speak up and make the rudeness known."

      He kept the pressure on him. His arms were doing the best arts he had ever thought of. He couldn't had thought of anything better. He did wish that he would be able to make meaning of it. He would be able to make rage of it. He wanted to achieve everything on him at that moment. He wouldn't be cool enough to allow his rage to cool out. He knew that he wasn't that patient. He

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