"Like what the fuck!"

    He occasionally would halt to have a swig of the denotations of what he had heard and had set him off. He had been walking for quite the whiles and had no idea where he was going to. He just kept walking. 

     The biddings of the hay had been transported by the clouds and the winds swept the dust about in gay. There was no tree around that could affirm the rudeness of the wind and the carelessness of their thoughtless glee on other natural elements. There seemed not to be a pause in the tidings of fate and that was not enough for him. 

      His sandals were heavy and his heart was weighing. He had no idea which of the two was weightier. He could had said his sandals, but the heart kept slackening his pace. His brain was taunting him. He was more like a specimen. 

    He had no idea which mother would ever

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