That'd be the fourth time that the cub had made that sound. He had no idea what it that was for. It seemed to him as though he was getting along with it. But whenever he made himself to believe that lie, some strays in actions would be supplanted and he'd be left in the middle of the ocean - of guesses crazed in torrents. His heart was quite faster than his thoughts. He could feel some unusual pounding on his inky instinct. He knew the subsequent growls of the cub was in complement to the odd feelings nosy nature had been leasing to him.
He sat up. The inner part of the cave was yet dark. He could see some rusty rays fighting their worn ways into the cubicle, probably to scare away the gaunt gloom loitering. He was not in for some guesses. Whether or not rain would fall, he didn't care. He had nowhere he was going to. The previous da

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"How many of you went?" "A score and a half, Bìxîa." "How many returned?" " Five of us, Bìxîa" "In what state respectively?" "Three badly hurt, two Hale, Bìxîa." Ja Lia beckoned to the black gladiator he had been observing closely recently and girded him in the following biddings, his eyes basked in ire and rage: "Feed those three to the recently caught Leopards, they'd be famished. The three are of no use anymore. They'd be liabilities to this fort and I won't suffer that. Never! What resources is there to waste?" T
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"Get going. I can't help you." The owner of the voice had his heart in his mouth or probably his hand. It's pretty hard to discern. What was quite obvious was the fact that he was conscious of his advances. Not merely conscious, but super conscious. He needed to guide his steps, else death probably would be generous to guide him through the pored paths of gloom. And of course his life was in his hand, he'd do whatever seemed best to him. His sanity must not be infected by some stereotype. Of course he was afraid. He admitted his fear. Who wouldn't be afraid? A man with loose leopard, though small, walking about the gaunt street. He needed to do something quickly. Probably take the matter to their monarch. For how how would someone whose brain had not been relegated walk about the street with a loose leopard? What was he expecting? Like he was going to be embraced by whoever came to his
Glad He Hate All ~Gladiator~ X
"Bro, wake!" He wasn't sure if it heard him. He was merely taking chances. He couldn't be sure if what he was doing was accurate or right. He couldn't be sure if he was sane or not. He couldn't be sure if was being humane or alien. He couldn't be sure if what had been happening to him were signs of some hideous attractions. He couldn't be sure if he needed time with himself. He couldn't be sure if he was the same person he used. He felt a little less of himself. Like a little bit of a faker skin. Been a long while since he saw blood trailing tracks through the veins of the agora. Been a while since he tasted blood and rage. When he'd sent head in the air in acrobatics. He missed those days! But that was not the time to revere those thoughts. He had something better to do. He needed to wake the sleeping cub, but he needed to be sure on how to go about it. That would actually be the first time h
Glad He Hate All ~Gladiator~ XI
"Huooohhh" His eyes were heavy. Heavy like lanky lead bled by the breast of a meagre metal. Heavy like lips of a rock cut by rusty rage of vying volcano. Heavy like a throbbing thud fostered by the pukes of a hibernated hurricane. He could feel his eyes willing to pop out of his socket. He wouldn't blame them, how would he?. He had no idea how long he had been sleeping. It didn't matter. What mattered was the fact that he yet felt the need to sleep. His eyelids were taunting him. He couldn't had remonstrated. He simply would prune steps to their biddings. He felt like confiding in sleep once more, but sundry thoughts were birthed. He hated the thoughts of dreams. He didn't know what they were. He hadn't had one ever in his life. He believed that only those who believed in it had their night basked in it. He matter-of-factly didn't believe in Almighty, how po
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"You want to pay close attention, don't you!" That was the third time he'd summoned them that day. Each paging for three minutes address or call it some inky information. What was he thinking? What was he feeling like? Couldn't he had told them once and for all at the first of second meeting? Nah! He could do whatever he liked and that was why he was a master. He could make pawn of his subjects. He could do whatever he liked to them. He could make them eat from what he'd not. He could make them feel the rage choking their patience to naught. He had so much an influence on them that he wondered how he'd been be able to manage them up to that moment. He knew that they had no choice and that was all he could pawn at that moment. He knew they'd be drown in the ocean of wishes. He knew their phrenic acreage would lease them many ideas but they would prefer to throw them to the walls of fears. All those were w
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"You must have sex with me." Was she drunk? Was she was really sane? Probably her sanity had been plagued. Or her sewn sanity had been torn by the intensity of malady hoisted hay leased on the apt azure. It sure wasn't the prime of sanity. She probably was trailing the track of nuances. Probably she'd mated with hibernated hooey and had no idea where to rehearse the acts. Was probably an offshoot of dark traces of malady moistened by folly. Well she could be the contraction of the large mouth of gnawing pride. Her makes of the pull and pangs of felon fate. Or probably punctured by pored pride. He wasn't sure of what to think. He actually wasn't new to the shenanigans she was basked in. He knew that he'd been dealing with it all the whiles and would continue once more. He knew that his choice had been truncated or chopped by the rigidity of her pride. O
Glad He Hate All ~Gladiator~ XIV
"Let the struggle begin." That was more than a shout or cry. It was a shouting cry or rather, crying shout. The owner of the vying voice was few steps from Ja Lia who was seating by the emperor. He seemed collected and his rusty retina knew patience and gaunt gentility. The lady off what looked like an elevated porch and edged towards Ja Lai while the crowds wore the rage of the tuning atmosphere out with their shrewd shouts. Their interest and jolting joy had been seeped in the insanity of the occasion. She bowed towards the two and took her side by Ja Lia humming haughty hymns her heart had shredded. On ocassions of fights were crowds allowed into the fort. It wasn't their thing to do. They had the specific time to arrive and to leave. None of them had the rusty reason to be beyond what he or she was supposed to be. The only thing they did and would
Glad He Hate All ~Gladiator~ XV
"Uhmm, yuhmmm" He rolled over the berth like a haughty hurricane whose mercies had been chopped by the smothering zeal of hankering hay. The thrusted nose of the former took its breath from the stretch of the clouds and poked till it bothered the eerie earth with numb nauseation. What derision was greater than that? Rolling and rolling was not enough for him as he sought solace in opening his eyes. His eyes were not as light as he thought. They were not as heavy as he thought. They were simply concocted by the mars and makes of the previous days. His heart supplanted the urge of memory and a sexual conference was held between the two. The thoughts were fresh as of the prime of the hay. They were better than that. They were like the drips of fresh blood dribbling dances through the scarred venisons to the eerie earth which opened its moistened mouth to
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Complementary Chapter 17
"Ay me! Mate, what's your state?" The man towered over him. He wished that the man were gone but the fellow had been standing there for couple minutes. It seemed as though he would be left with no choice but to stand up and explain what he was doing there with the helmet, if the man had noticed. He kept his face down as though he was dead and could never come back to live. He wanted the man to believe that and keep walking but that fellow seemed not be moved at all. It seemed more like having to fill an odd and trying to make it seem as though the odd had been created to spoil and foil what he was trying to stand for. Before the man could bring himself to saying what he had said up there. He had fought with his instinct to have a stance but he had no idea how. He had asked himself several questions about how someone sane would be at the shore at such ho
Complementary Chapter 16
"Where do you think you are now?" He looked around. That was the best thing he could do. The Raven was still on his shoulder. He has no idea what meaning to make of them. He wished that he could understand. He was hoping that getting acquainted with the whole thing would make sense to him but it seemed more like he had been hypnotized. He had no much ideas on hypnosis. If he didn't, be probably would figure out if he had been hypnotized or not. That was the only thing he could had done and got correctly. He needn't be told. He was standing before the great sea of the village. From the tree he had been sitting on, he would had walked for like 2 hours before he would get them. But in just 2.5 seconds he had stepped into it as though it was like entering from one room to the other. That seemed prettily ridic
Supplementary Chapter 15
"Why do you have to disbelief always?" The voice came again. He didn't know what to believe. He could hear the sound coming from the tree but how possibly could be knuckle under the fact that a tree was speaking to him. If he did tell others about it how many would take him seriously? He was skeptical. He had no idea but would figure out soonest. He turned and looked back at the Raven. It was still sitting on the branch of the tree, feasting on the acorns that it had taken, and acting as though all was normal. Of course it should be normal for a typical bird. What was he thinking? Was he thinking that the bird would come to his aid and tell him what he was supposed about to know about the mystery he had been enveloped in? He wasn't so sure about it but he wanted to be. If only he could control th
Supplementary Chapter 14
"Alright let's make some hypotheses." Ja Lia sat under a tree. He was sure that he was far from the hut. The hut which had had been tailing seemed never to be wearied and he was never wearied of hiding himself him from it. But at that moment, he was tired of walking. He should be willing to admit that. He had been sitting there for a while before he was able to say something. He had been looking to and fro to notice if anything odd would happen at all. He seemed to be lucky that nothing odd was happening. He would had worked his way around it of course. His sandals were becoming heavy. That was reasonable. He probably had been given to many thoughts. That shouldn't be the reason by the way. He probably had been so worried. That shouldn't be too. Twas obviously because he had been walking since. He couldn't say for how may hours. He couldn't also sa
Supplementary Chapter 13
"Stop it. I ain't in the mood for this." He tried to be sane. He wanted to shake her hands off but he wasn't that courageous. Probably that was why the lady thought of taking advantage of him. He seemed to be understanding things about her more and more and that seemed to bring him closer to the realization of whom she was really was. He wouldn't had had a contention with her person if that didn't tamper with his pedigree but there was nothing he could do at that moment. She was always infringing on his right and was always doing more of colonizing and luring and all. He wasn't go to let that keep going on and on. "I'll held you be in the mood." She whispered into his left ear. That seemed like some spell. The breathy syllables sent some shrills down his spin and he had no idea how to ignore it. He knew that she was some craz
Supplementary Chapter 12
"You thought I'll be gone away from you for life like for real?" He didn't know what to say. She seemed glad and like she was enjoying the best of the moment. He was raged but knew that he could never do anything. He was more like a specimen and should begin to admit to that fact. He looked at her. She was smiling. He needed no soothsayer to tell him what and how to go about what he was feeling. Her eyes were lit and the smile was so rich. She hadn't just done it from a snare. She had thought of it before doing it. That was some witchery. He tried not to remember the effect of what she had done to him. The hand she had placed on his forehead. He was trying to pretend that twas no real thought he knew quite well that twas more than real. He looked away from her and tried to sort his thoughts and make them into s
Supplementary Chapter 11
"Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God!" He could make that into series of songs but that wasn't the best time for it. He was more than confused. He was trying not to be vexed. Even if he was vexed there was nothing he could had done about it. He was skeptical. Didn't they seem him. Alright, let's assume that they had been or were blinded by the rage of smoke, didn't they feel like they were trampling on something? How crazy and dimwitted they were. If he hadn't been conscious of his position on the floor, they would probably had crushed his testicles. He should probably be dead from the pain which did complement the horror of the aforementioned. He was more than vexed but there was simply nothing he could do about. He tried standing. He wasn't himself anymore. He was hoping that all would be well again
Supplementary Chapter 10
"What the fuck was he thinking?" He kept on walking. It seemed as though he was going to go insane. That was what seemed to be happening to him. He saw nothing odd about it. No! Twas odd of course. He shouldn't feel that way. No! He should. That was how confused he was. He didn't know why he felt that sad, bitter and violated. He was feeling like he owned the lady and should be the only one who should have an access to her. That should be some truth though but he wasn't sure if he was making real sense. His heart ache heavily and it seemed as though he was hurting himself more than he was helping. Was he even helping. Yup! He tried to help. By leaving there. If he hadn't left that place, he probably would had done what he wasn't supposed to do and that probably would had led to what would be suicidal or he might regret at the latter days. He didn't
Supplementary Chapter 9
"What in the wide world." She smiled at him again. It seemed as though she had smiled at him in the first place and he had ignored, but that time he didn't know if he would be courageous enough to ignore again. He wished he would be. He tried to concentrate and looked away from her. She seemed too hot to be ignored. He could feel her heat over his body even without moving closer to see. She was some real Psychopath to had done that at that time. Hell! He kept muttering to himself to be sane. He needed to be. He kept telling him to ignore and concentrate on what he had come there for. He didn't think that would be way easy for him to do. But he would try it. The more he tried the weaker he seemed. He didn't want to give up trying. He should be able to fight the feelings as the eldest of the family