
      He felt like going to meet him. He felt like the hoisted hay in hampered hurls. He felt like the pull of rage and chaff of ire. He didn't dispute those and neither did he tag them a weakness. If they were, he'd loved them to be his strength at that moment. What strength would be greater than that? What rage would be fiercer than that. What ire would be keener than that? His guesses were tampered with, if at all he'd been nursing one. Ah! But his mood had been chopped by the sight of Ja Lia that his eerie eyes were making efforts to relate to the bounty brain. He didn't know what to make of the mystic moment. He didn't know what to do at that moment. Of course lots of ideas queued at the boulevard of his consciousness. He didn't know which to attend to firstly. He had no idea which amongst them would be vexed if not attended to at the appropriate time. He didn't know how to ma

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