"He should see now."

      He felt kinda a bargain, between the dark world and reality. A part of him wanted to remain in gloom, while the other part kept reaching for reality. He could feel his eyes having a bite of what time would or was supplanting. He was conscious not to be a stranger of it all. So many a thought began to fleshen in his mental Ken. To him, it seemed the end was near and nothing was going to be the same again. He had never thought that the end would have its finale thus. He had never thought curtain would be drawn over his life so quickly. He tried to stay positive as bargain continued between live and gloom. He fought hard. He knew that. He was trying to. He didn't want to be so dismissive of the whole matter. He melted his rage and made of  it a statue of pulpy patience as yet he savored the taunting aroma of time. He had never thought that he would be so helpless ever in

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