"What spell had you in such state?"

Those words struggled to have a stance as his legs. He had no idea how stoic that man was and could be. There were obviously quite the number of things he was missing out on and he wouldn't mind whether or not they made sense. Of course if they made sense, they would appeal to his sense, but that was not the convention at the moment. The contention was more than what he could knuckle under at that moment. His patience was beginning to soothe his rage. He didn't know what art that was. He wouldn't care though. All that mattered was the fact that he was becoming sane for few moments.

He turned properly at that moment and saw the man helping himself to his feet. His words actually had been stronger, smarter and faster than the legs. He didn't know where to start with regarding the answer to his question. Of course he'd give a comeback to it but he needed to be sure how to wield the words. That didn't actually matter at that moment. Of cour
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