
     He looked over his shoulder to be sure that the lad was not tailing him. It seemed as though he saw something and halted. Though he couldn't see the owner of the draws, yet the sassy sun canvassed the pored presence of a trailer by sketching his silhouette in the eerie earth. He knew what to do with the lad. He had no idea why the lad was tailing him. He had said that he wanted power and that he wanted to perform the acts of the apt alakazam he had seen him prune in the arena sometimes back. But he wouldn't show him the alakazam. He wouldn't teach him. He would rather show him the pulpy path to hell or Utopia, where he wished to go. He would teach him not to tail anyone of such sort as him. He would make him know the difference between a human and clone. He didn't care whichever of the two he was called. He was simply not moved by anything! Since when had he started to be moved. But an instinct wouldn

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