"Bro, wake!"

      He wasn't sure if it heard him. He was merely taking chances. He couldn't be sure if what he was doing was accurate or right. He couldn't be sure if he was sane or not. He couldn't be sure if was being humane or alien. He couldn't be sure if what had been happening to him were signs of some hideous attractions. He couldn't be sure if he needed time with himself. He couldn't be sure if he was the same person he used. He felt a little less of himself. Like a little bit of a faker skin. Been a long while since he saw blood trailing tracks through the veins of the agora. Been a while since he tasted blood and rage. When he'd sent head in the air in acrobatics. He missed those days! But that was not the time to revere those thoughts. He had something better to do. He needed to wake the sleeping cub, but he needed to be sure on how to go about it. That would actually be the first time h

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