Chapter 94: Crimson Jade Fate 1

The village sky was aglow with golden rays that morning, casting a serene light on the path where confident steps moved with purpose. In front of a quaint house, a man with shoulder-length white hair, which shimmered like spun silver in the sunlight, gently knocked on the door. His appearance, marked by the ethereal glow of his hair, endowed him with an aura of mystery.

Inside, the sound of footsteps grew closer until the door swung open, revealing a puzzled Aline. Her face, marked by confusion yet strikingly beautiful, mirrored the surprise and curiosity at the sight before her. Her eyes, wide and inquisitive, scanned the figure on her doorstep.

"Who are you, and what brings you here?" Aline inquired, her voice laced with caution yet striving for politeness.

In this unexpected moment, Aline's surprise was natural; she did not recognize Lucas, who stood before her, his presence in her timeline unforeseen. Yet, there was a slight smile on Lucas's face, a hint of warmth in his demeanor
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