Chapter 98: End

In the vast expanse of the world, civilization had reached new heights. It was a time of prosperity and growth, but it was also a time of great conflict. Two powerful factions of cultivators had arisen, each claiming dominion over the land and its inhabitants. And so, the stage was set for an epic battle that would determine the course of history.

The armies clashed with a fury unmatched by any before them. A hundred thousand souls lay scattered across the battlefield, their lives extinguished in an instant. Limbs were severed, heads rolled, and bodies were crushed beneath the weight of steel and magic. The air was filled with the screams of the dying and the cries of the victorious.

And yet, amidst all the chaos and destruction, there stood a lone tree upon a hill. Its branches stretched out like arms reaching for the heavens, and atop those branches sat a man named Lucas and his seven followers, along with their seven wives. They watched the carnage unfold below them, their faces im
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