
The events that take place when one enters the second zone of the extinction ground are discussed in Chapter 97. Gore saw that each of the teams contained a varied assortment of people who originated not just from the principal world but also from a number of other planets. The participants were prepared to compete for any opportunity and any treasure they came across, which resulted in them forming groups in order to secure whatever fortune they come across. The participants were willing to fight for any opportunity and any treasure they came across. The competitors, seeing how the fight for the treasures that were strewn about was exceedingly severe, organized groups in order to increase their chances of winning. Gore has stubbornly declined to join any of the teams he has come across on his quest, despite the fact that those teams have extended invites to him to become a member of their group. As a result of the fact that members of any group are compelled to share the riches they
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