THREE weeks later. Shatile was almost deaf that day. She is about to go to school; she is no longer in uniform because they are just practicing for graduation. She just cried as she listened to her parents fight. It's happening almost every day since her dad finally admitted that he has another woman.

"Who is that whore of yours?"

"Why? Is there any problem if I have a whore, Emalyn!"

"When I finally knew who is that bitch is—"

"What? Will you kill again ?! ”

“Yes, I will, Protacio! I will kill everyone here if you don't tell me who your whore is!”

“Shit! Fine! Go and kill them all! And when you are imprisoned again I will not bail you out, bitch—”

“Dad! Mom! Will you please stop?" she loses control. She was annoyed, she was also hurt to hear them fighting over and over again. There is only one who could be blamed here, not her mother nor her father, but that whore other woman!

"Don't interfere with this, Shatile! Stay out of this!" her dad angrily shouted. Out of resentment, she ran
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