IANNA is in a good mood to get up the next day. The private part of her body was still a bit sore. She felt no remorse for what she and Kit did last night because he didn't force her, she loved her boyfriend. She hurried to take a shower and get dressed because maybe later Kit would be outside their house to pick her up.

Her boyfriend always picks her up, so she loved him even more. Many of their neighbors were jealous of her. Her boyfriend is handsome and sweet.

When she was ready, she came out of their house wearing a big smile on her face.

She frowned when she saw that Kit never came. He waited a little longer because he might have woken up late so it was too late to pick her up. But, thirty minutes later he never came. She was still worried because she might be late for class so she just started to walk.

What happened to Kit? Did he forget to pick her up? She didn't want to think negative thoughts especially when she started to feel nervous. It's like something bad will going to
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