40: Beginning Of A New War

40: Beginning Of A New War

My father, whom preferred being called Pa because of his age and the feeling of being one was still in that motion.

I wouldn't have been able to help myself if he was to go. He was still in that motion when I noticed an unexpected sword dive into the blonde haired warrior that had Papa fomerly.

It was done from behind so we knew not who had done this incredulous act for I and Kaleb were still the only ones here standing far from the incident in a daze.

The only people I knew were capable of committing such here in their viallage, Forestille, was I and Kakeb— only. So I wondered who had done that.

We had gasps of shock out of our mouths and widened eyes displayed for we could not assimilate what was happening. We still had our eyes fixed on the said killer that had Pa before, when a sudden woman in a light glittering amour emerged from behind.

The mystery woman had locked braids and oh the spirits she was masculine. The female saviour whom had come to save
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