It was going to be a really big insult to Lina if Xander accepted such money and even though he needed it, he pushed it backward to the old man and said. "I can't accept your money, sir." He replied politely.

They tried to persuade him but he would not move away from his stance.

Mr. James thought it was going to be easy for him after all and this made him frown deeply.

Xander was just like his niece. Extremely stubborn. No wonder they were able to find themselves and get along so easily in the first place.

But he was not going to sit back and watch them spoil their plans. But after the long time that it had taken them to plot it out.

He leaned forward with an irritated look on his face, having the intention to scare Xander away who continued to stare right into his eyes without a bulge.

He was one of the most confident people that he had meant who would dare to stare right into his eyes. Even as a poor man that he was.

'Maybe he is just trying to act strong just because he is intending to impress Lina. When I am done with him, he will be shaken to his roots." He muttered under his breath and went ahead with the plan that he already had in mind.

"If you aren't ready to leave, then I will have to make you." He finally said, knocking off his hands.

Lina frowned at her uncle's extreme behavior, angry and embarrassed at the same theme.

He was certainly a pro when it came to coming off on nerves. Xander was her guest at the moment and the last person she wanted to witness their family's mess.

She stepped forward, creating a barrier between her uncle and Xander who were pairing at each other as though they had been enemies for ages.

"You can't do that Uncle. You know too well that Xander is my guest. And he can't leave without me telling him to. And right now, I want him to stay.” Her voice was extremely cold.

"In the future, you are going to appreciate me for making this decision on your behavior." He replied, bringing out his cell phone from his pocket.

Lina's lips crawled over with annoyance wishing that she could do something about the situation.

Even without being told, she could already tell that her father was trying to reach out to security to get Xander out of the house as soon as possible.

Her heart raced, she also brought out her phone, not ready to back down even for a moment.

"What are you going to do?" Mr. James inquired and she frowned, pairing right into her eyes.

"Why should I tell you what I am planning to do when you aren't going to tell me yours?" She replied.

Mr. James drew a really deep breath, already getting fed up by his niece's nonchalant behavior that she was posing, wishing that he could snap her out of it but he already knew that from the kind of daughter that he had, that wasn't going to be possible.

On the other hand, she was planning to call her end of the guest, she wasn't going to be disgraced openly before her guest.

"I am just making sure that my guest isn't leaving without me saying so, I am ready to cause a rampage if that's what you want." He quickly responded.

Mr. James frowned, calling the guards to chase him away wasn't going to be of any use any longer.

He leaned forward, staring right into his eyes and a dark smirk hovered on his face. After knowing her father for quite a while, she didn't need a soothsayer to tell her that meant not good.

She frowned deeply.

"All these years, people visiting the Villa have been people of class and dignity. If he wants to remain in the Villa, since he has none of these qualities, he must earn his stay here." Mr. James finally responded and Lina frowned.

She could tell that her uncle was totally up to no good. She wanted to object because her father hardly took a glance at her as he turned over to Xander and said, "I don't believe you to be around useless right?" He inquired with a friendly stare.

Even though Xander knew that was meant to be an insult, he ignored it. Even though he was a live-in Son-in-law, he was somebody who would never take acquiring new knowledge for granted.

"How do I earn this?" He inquired. His stare was stale.

"It's simple, I am going to ask you a simple question to test your intelligence. If you aren't that dumb, it wouldn't be difficult for you to get." He said.

Xander without being told could sense that this man was being funny but he was not going to back down from this challenge.

Lina pulled over to him and whispered into his ears. He didn't have to take it.

But Xander motioned to her that it was okay and he wanted to take it anyway. He could not allow it to slide just let that.

But her uncle was not done with him yet. He turned over to Lina, staring right into her eyes, and said.

"If you are so confident in him, why don't we enter into a bet?" He said with a smirk on his face but then, Lina didn't want to enter into any form of bet with his uncle.

But from the looks on Xander's face, he looked so confident so she decided that she was going to give it a try.

"If he loses you are never going to see him again but if he wins, he gets one of my accents."

"If he backs away and leaves, I could always forget about it." He said further.

Whether entering into the bet or not, she was still going to be at a ss either way so it would only be wise for her to choose the lesser of two evils.

"I accept the bet on one condition. The accent that you are giving out is going to be your real estate company." He replied.

"We have a deal." Mr. James quickly jumped on it.

He felt that he had nothing to lose either way since Xander was going to lose and he had more to gain from her getting married to someone else.

"Now for my question."

"I want you to identify a certain root since it's one of the major focuses of the business group. And I guess that is going to be easy for you since you study a lot."

He clapped his hands slightly and a guard walked into the place with a jew bis in his hands which Mr. James slid open.

An exotic scent hits the room as Lina pours into the boss and recognizes what is inside. Her eyes bulged out from her eye socket.

That was an ancient root that was recently discovered by the company, blooming in the heart of the desert. They had little to no information about it.

How could someone like Xander identify the root?

"What! How do you expect him to identify the root!!" Lina fired angrily as she could not take it anymore from her uncle.

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