Lady Willow paced throughout the room, her heart racing fast while Helena sat at the far end of the chair, her hands sucked deep into her cheeks.

Their family funds were running lower than ever, they had taken so many loans that no bank would even take a look at them anymore.

They needed to get some other options as soon as possible so that their family would be able to bounce back to its initial position.

But then again, they were short of ideas this time, not knowing what they were going to dom

A deep breath was the only thing that they could all draw. A family meeting was called but yet, the place was as silent as a graveyard.

Helena could not stand the silence that filled the hall anymore and she went ahead to ask.

"Mom, what about Mr. Broker? The head of the All Back Association that you had a meeting with yesterday. Wasn't he able to help?" She inquired with a really weird look on her face

But a sad wiggling of the head was the first response that she got and she went ahead to
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