Goya completely froze. Her heartbeat also slowed down and stopped.

Gary immediately touched the ice and released lightning, hoping it’d break the ice and also save Goya, but then nothing happened.

Gary quickly realized that ice didn’t conduct the electricity. He then merged his lightning with aura and changed its property so that it was now able to travel through the ice and particularly strike Goya and electrocuted her and restarted her heart.

All the ice around her also got blasted into bits.

The fountain of life was right before her eyes, but her body still wasn’t in her control. She couldn’t even take a step just yet.

Gary was rushing toward Goya, but the wolf was faster than him. With just a leap she landed between Goya and the fountain, stood on its hind legs and transformed into a humanoid wolf. It had a long crystal on its forehead like that of a unicorn.

Thunderflame concentrated near the tip of the crystal and blasted forth a cylindrical shaped attack which washed past Gary
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