“Even though you might be able to see my attacks, you won’t be able to dodge them,” the great wolf followed up with a vicious claw thrust straight at Gary’s heart.

“You are underestimating me far too much!” Gary didn’t try to dodge but attacked with his fist and struck the claw just in time. His fist bones’ cracked, but they also got healed instantly just like the hole in his diaphragm. Gary was overflowing with the energy of the life-giving elixir, after all.

Right now, Gary felt like he wouldn’t die even from what would otherwise be life-threatening injuries.

“You think I’m still below you?” Gary unleashed the golden energy through his fists. “Glorious Streak!”

He unleashed a torrent of punches that released energy blasts which chased after the great wolf and struck his body, creating winds that were faster than 500 miles. Even the tallest and thickest of trees fell from these great winds blowing against them.

Wendevorr wouldn’t have been able to stay in that location and watch thei
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