None of Gary, Leah, Sesi, or Rowan could react. The gas spread in the blink of an eye, and it immediately tried to soothe their nerves, making everyone fall asleep in a second.

All four of them collapsed to the ground.

“Easy, peasy, spidey, breezy!” The spider with a human head quickly came over to wrap them up in webs. As he was wrapping up Rowan’s body with care, he heard a faint noise and looked back.

Gary grabbed Leah’s sword and tried to decapitate the spider in one go. But its neck was so thick that the sword only went an inch inside. “Gwuh!” blood released from the spider’s neck and mouth. “You bastard! How are you still standing?” Two of sharp pointy legs speared toward Gary.

He used the werewolf’s vigor skill to suddenly increase his speed so much that he was able to jump on top of one of those fast-moving legs and ended up standing right behind the spider’s human head.

Without giving it any chance, Gary punched its skull hard enough to crack and break it in one go. He only d
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