Later that day.

Gary helped the spiders track down the jackals and kill them. Except for a few jackals that ran away to other territories, they managed to kill every single jackal that was in Blackback’s territory.

Blood spilled everywhere in the place where the jackals briefly ruled for the past few days. The jackals had thought they were going to expand their territory or occupy a larger territory, but now,they need to worry about not dying. After all, the monsters in other territories wouldn’t be kind to them, especially because these jackals would always harass others in groups. Nobody had a good opinion on them.

So, the news that Blackback had been killed didn’t even reach the other territories, as the jackals that survived did not dare reveal that news, fearing that they might get targeted even more.

Gary, on the other hand, searched everywhere in the jackals’ territory and did not find any living humans.

There were only trees everywhere. What shocked and disturbed him was that
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