HEIR from the STREET
HEIR from the STREET
Author: Darken Ross

“FOOD DELIVERY,” JON called through the closed door.

He waited as he heard the locks and latches being unlocked on the other side. The door creaked open slowly.

Jon’s face broke into a wide smile, “I have your orders ready – “

“Yeah yeah, whatever.” The man said, collecting the carton box and tossing the money on the floor before slamming the door.

Jon sighed.

“So much for good customer service.” He muttered to himself as he bent down to pick up his fee.

He removed his cap and ran his fingers through his hair and he walked down the patio and to his work bike.

He suddenly remembered that he had not replied to a message from his girlfriend, telling him that she was not feeling too well.

“I’d have to stop by a drugstore then.” He swung his leg over the bike and started to reply to the message.

‘I’ll be home soon. Will get you some drugs on the way. Be safe. I love you.’ He hit the send button and drove off.

“No one should be working by this ungodly hour.” He said to himself as he rode into a side street and stopped In front of a small drug store.

He got in, whistling and used the last cash on him to buy the drugs his girlfriend needed.

“Thank you, ma’am.” He said to the drugstore, collecting the receipt.

He took a look at the receipt, “Damn! Can’t believe tomorrow’s my birthday and I totally forgot about it.”

The lady laughed. “Such happens.” She rested her hands on the counter and said, “Well, tomorrow’s only a few minutes away.” She nodded at the clock.

Jon looked at the clock. “11:53. Oh wow...”

“Snuck up you, huh?”

“Yeah.” He nodded.

“Well, Happy birthday in advance.” She reached behind the counter and retrieved the money he had just paid her. “The drug is on the house.” And she handed it over to him.

Jon was astonished but could not refuse it. “T-thank you, ma’am. Very much.”

She waved it off. “Ah, don’t mention. You take good care of yourself, okay?”

He stumbled out of the store, still surprised and happy.

His smile died on his lips as he heard a very familiar laugh echo in the distance. He turned to see the distinct shape of his ‘sick' girlfriend hanging on to the arms of a burly man. The man grabbed at her butt and they both laughed.

Anger welled up in Jon as he pushed his bike and marched towards where they both were.

“Oi!” Jon yelled. “Get your hands off her.”

The man turned and looked at Jon. “And who the fuck are you?”

“I am her boyfriend,” Jon said, hoping his voice sounded as strong as he thought. The man was taller than him by about 10 inches and had over 70 pounds more muscle mass than Jon. “Kim... you said you were sick. Look, I bought you drugs.” He held up the polythene bag.

Kim, Jon’s ‘girlfriend’ sneered and said, “This is the loser I was telling you about. Jon Crutcher.” She gave a high-pitched laugh. “Come on, Rico. Let’s leave him to dwell in his misery.”

Rico, the burly man, gave a hearty laugh which reverberated down the street. “So you are him.” He took another look at Jon's puny state and laughed again. “A poor delivery man. What do you think you can achieve?”

Kim laughed and said, “Nothing. He can never achieve anything. Boredom was what made me stay with him.”

“Listen kiddo. Next time, stay in your class. You can never get to keep a girl as sexy as this...” He slapped Kim’s butt softly. “You actually look hungry. Here.” Rico dug into his leather pants pocket and withdrew some wads of cash which he flung at Jon’s face. “Get something to eat.”

“And maybe some new clothes too.” Kim laughed. “Let’s go, Rico.” She placed a hand on the man’s arm.

“Just another minute.” He bent to give Kim a long, wet kiss. Then he looked up at Jon who stood still like a statue. “A bike... that’s what you ride.” He let out a short cackle. “and it was given to you by your workplace. It is not even yours.”

Kim laughed again.

“Now, let me show you what real men drive.” He held up a small key holder and pressed a button. A car, a few meters away from Jon roared to life, startling Jon and making him jump. “Don’t worry, It’s a dodge challenger. They don’t bite.” He laughed again before putting his hand around Kim’s waist and pulling her along.

Jon watched, dumbfounded, as Kim got into the car with Rico. She was giggling and did not even spare him a glance.

Rico winked and gave a wicked smile at Jon before speeding off, blasting a plume of exhaust fumes at Jon and splashing him with curb water.

Jon stood for 10 minutes, barely blinking, not moving. Just staring at the direction the car had gone in. Then his legs gave way and he sat on the floor, next to a poodle of water. He felt the tears threatening to pour out of him to release the hurt and he took in deep breaths to calm his body.

“How could Kim do this to me?” He asked himself repeatedly. If only... if only he could get enough money to make him worth something.

He was angry and hurt and frustrated. He slammed his work cap on the floor and watched it soak up the dirty water. But he did not mind. His mind was clouded with fury and pain.

Then just as the giant bell tower rang loudly signifying midnight, his phone also made a ping! sound. A text message just came in.

It is probably Kim. He thought. Laughing at me and planning to ridicule me even more.

He ignored the text and stood up, dusted his trousers and climbed his bike.

“I’d better block her to prevent future texts” He muttered and nodded. He whipped out his phone and unlocked it to see that it wasn’t a message from Kim.

It was not a message from any saved contact.

It was not a message he would have imagined in his wildest dreams.

It was a message from a bank – that he knew nothing about. The message read: Dear Mr, Jonathan Stone, your account has successfully been credited with $100 000 000

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