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"HAS Maxim TOLD you anything like this?" Jon asked. Nicole shook her head and said, "It's just an assumption. Something you should not rule out completely."Jon nodded and said, "Thank you." He said, "For everything.""It's alright," She replied, holding his hand. "And you have my condolences."Jon nodded. "The airlines are doing pretty well," He said.Nicole shook her head and said, "No talking business today. And certainly not here." She gave him a small smile and walked away.Jon stood, watching her departing figure. He felt a presence beside him, so he turned to see Rick."I didn't know you would make it in time.""I wouldn't miss it for anything," Rick said sadly. "I was going to invite him to the official opening of my store next week."Jon sighed. "I am sure he would be proud of you.""He would be even prouder of you," Rick said.They exchanged a smile. Jon turned just in time to see Lucas hurry a person into a side room. He did not have enough time to see who it was.He ponder
"THERE IS SOMETHING OFF ABOUT THAT MAN," Jon said to himself."I have never met him before or even seen him remotely at any party I and your father attended," Vincent said.They both watched the man walk and mingle with the crowd without being drawn into any circle.Marshall smiled, improved by yet another bout of his acting skills. "I should seriously consider going into Hollywood movies," He muttered to himself.He gave a nod to a man, maneuvered his way around a group of women, and found himself in the midst of another group of men, each talking enthusiastically about how Stefan Stone's death would affect everyone.He was not the least bothered by anything, but he stayed in the group for a moment. He could still feel the eyes of Jonathan Stone watching him, and it would be very suspicious if he just left the party.So he stayed amidst this obnoxious group of men."I am telling you, Harry." A short man with a double chin was saying, "New Jersey would never remain the same.""That is
MR CARTER released a heavy breath that nobody had noticed he was holding. He had been the reader of many wills and he knew what wealth and greed did to a seemingly happy family. He knew what mothers had said to their daughters and what fathers had said to sons when they felt cheated in a will. So it was an involuntary action of him, holding his breath when reading the conclusions of any will and this was by far one of the wealthiest wills he had ever read in his 20 years being a lawyer. He must admit, when Mr Stone came to him a few months ago, saying that he wanted to make some adjustments to the will, Carter was surprised. At that moment, the will seemed perfect. There was just enough money for everyone and it was well shared, but Stefan had said he wanted to include the friends of his son. Carter had thought that it was not a good idea. But now, seated opposite the whole bunch and seeing the way none of them had any glint of hate or envy in their faces, Carter agreed with the dea
"MY PILOT SAID he did not see you," Vittorio said into the phone. Marshall chuckled and replied, "I am very sure I can leave your town on my own, Vittorio." Vittorio grunted and hung up the phone. He was so close to sending some of his men to find and kill Marshall, but apart from the fact that he knew that Marshall was more skilled than most of them, he still saw Marshall as that lost kid called Crouch that he found about two decades ago. He felt sentimental towards the boy, so he just sighed and dropped the phone on the table. A light knock made him turn his head to the door as a young boy walked and faced Vittorio. The boy bowed and said in italian, "Ha qualcuno che può vederla, signore – You have a visitor, sir."Vittorio nodded, "Let him in," The huge figure of Maxim filled the doorway as the Russian walked in. "I was beginning to wonder when I would be seeing you," Vittorio said. He called to the departing boy, "Oi! Versaci da bere." The boy hurried back and pulled two gla
JON WOKE UP feeling like the past two days had been a dream. But he looked at the foot of his and saw the crimped suit that he had worn at the funeral yesterday. He sighed, swallowing back the lump he suddenly felt at the base of his throat. He rolled out of bed and sat, hanging his head between his hands. He had not known just how his real father, Stefan had grown on him. The stranger that had picked him and his friends up from a gunfight had suddenly become someone that he could lean on. He sighed and stood up, drank a cup of water on his bed stand before heading to the bathroom to prepare his bath. He had only finished brushing his teeth when he heard the sound of a car pulling up downstairs then he remembered that Vincent and Jeffrey were heading back to New York that morning and he had something to ask Vincent. He had originally forgotten about it but since the talk with his friends the previous night, it had come back to bug him. He washed his face and rushed down the stairs,
JON SAT IDLY in the window seat of the plane. He was flying economy class – he could just see his father's face now and he gave a sad smile. It was probably going to be the last time he would fly economy given his new status. It was going to be first-class or private. A mother with a bawling child was seated beside him, trying to calm her child and it made it impossible to try to rest his head. He gave an ironic chuckle as he remained that if he wanted to, he could buy the plane and the whole airline in a second, but here he was, staring into the mouth of a six-year-old that is scared of flying. The child noticed that Jon was staring and became self-conscious. The tired mother dropped the child on the middle seat and sighed in relief when her child gulped in air and quietened down "Scared of flying?" Jon asked gently. The little boy nodded, wiping his eyes. "Yeah, I used to be scared too," Jon said. "Really?" The boy asked, "But you are a grownup." "Grown-ups can also be scare
"What is your name, ma'am?" He asked, ignoring her question. "Keisha," She replied. She didn't know where this conversation was heading. "Keisha Bronx.""Now, Keisha," Jon leaned on the counter, "How would you like to have a business partner." "Huh?" "I would have offered to buy the store," Jon said, looking around. "I would never sell," She snapped. Her tone was starting to become hard. "I know and that was exactly why I didn't ask," Jon said soothingly. "My name is Jonathan Stone and I would like to be your business partner.""I don't understand where this is all coming from," Keisha replied slowly. "There is nothing to partner here. I mean, take a look around you." "There is nothing to partner here yet," He put emphasis on the last word, "How would you like to manage a chain for pharmaceutical stores across Illinois?" "That would be –" "How about we talk about this over a cup of coffee?" Jon gave her a charming smile. "Um, yes, sure," She stammered, "If you would, please g
"MAXIM, MEET DMITRI Boris, although he prefers if you call him Boris," Igor said. The two men sized each other up. The man, Dmitri a.k.a Boris, stuck a hand out and Maxim took it. "Dmitri, this is Maxim. He is my nephew and the person that needs your, uh, service." Dmitri was a tall man. So tall that Maxim's 6-foot5 just about got up to his shoulder. "Drinks?" Maxim asked, "I'm buying." Boris nodded and Maxim waved to the waitress. "Maxim, why do you need the services of Dmitri?" Igor asked. Maxim cocked his head and smiled. He turned to Dmitri and said, "I hear you are an assassin." Boris nodded again. He had not said anything the whole time. "Why haven't I heard any word about you from the underground?" Maxim asked. "That is the whole point of being assassin. A ghost, that is what I am," Boris said in a cold voice. Maxim nodded. "I ask again, Maxim," Igor said, "Who is it?" Maxim kept on looking at Boris, "I want you to kill Vittorio Orsatti." There was a stunned silen
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"HOW ARE YOU feeling today?" Jon asked as they left the hospital. His hand was around Nicole's waist, supporting her as they walked out with her nurse in tow. "A lot better," Nicole smiled. "That room was starting to feel a little crampy." Jon chuckled. "There is a lot of space where you are going now." Nicole smiled. They got into the waiting limousine and Jon's driver pulled out of the parking lot. It had been a week since Maxim fled for Russia and things had been relatively quiet. There were no talks about assassins or attempted murders anymore. For Jon, the only annoying part was Antonio Orsatti, strutting around like a peacock. He had to do something about him. But what? He asked himself. "What are you thinking about?" Nicole's voice drew Jon back to the present. He shook his head. "Nothing, nothing. I'm excited you are coming home with me." Nicole gave him a knowing smile and said. "Maxim is behind us now."Jon coughed out a laugh. "Why said anything about Maxim?" He as
JON DROVE TO the hospital parked, at the end of the lot and sat in the car, taking deep breaths and calming himself. He ran his hands over the steering wheel. There was a loud whine of an engine behind him. He turned to see a Porsche squeal into the parking lot some yards away from him. He turned to see Antonio get out of the car. He flipped a loose strand of his long hair behind his ear. He put on sunshades and then walked into the hospital. Jon was in awe of what Antonio was doing here. "What the fuck?" Jon muttered under his breath. "When did they even release him?" He asked himself. He wanted to follow Antonio and confront him about what he was doing here, but he decided to wait it out and see how it played out. He did not have to wait for long because, after a few minutes, he saw Antonio coming back out. Jon opened his car door and folded himself out. Antonio was taken aback for half a second when he saw Jon standing in the parking lot. He looked hesitant to approach Jon bu
THE MANSION WAS lit up with sirens the following morning. A servant tapped on Jon's door to wake him up. He brushed his teeth, washed his face, and went down in his pajamas. Alex Brandon and Mirtovic stood in his grand foyer. He stepped out just at the same time as Vincent, who was a little more formally dressed than Jon. "Head director," Vincent nodded at Mitrovic, and then he turned to Brandon, "Head director," he nodded again. "To what do I owe this surprise?" Jon asked dryly. Lucas came out of his suite and eyed the men. If looks could kill, both Mitrovic and Alex would have dropped dead. "Have a seat and drinks maybe," Mitrovic said. Jon snorted and led them into the study room. Lucas poured out 5 glasses of Whiskey. Vincent declined his, "A little too early for alcohol. Don't you think?" Jon nodded in agreement. He collected the glass from Lucas but did not drink it. "What do you have to tell us?" Mitrovic took a drink from his cup before saying, "News just got to us.
"YOU CAN GO in now, Mister Stone." Jon stood up and gave a small nod at the FBI agents who had spoken to him. He walked into the room to see Lucas seated. Lucas looked up and gave a smile that did not reach his eyes. "I told you something would happen," Lucas said when Jon came in. "They screwed it up, didn't they?" Jon nodded. He paced the small room and massaged his eye socket. "You should call Vincent," Lucas said. Jon stopped and looked at Lucas like he was about to argue. But then he nodded again, "I will. What were the charges against you? Why did they bring you in?"Lucas scoffed. "Did they need to have a reason?" He asked back. "I saw the way the Brandon guy looked at me that first time, he wanted to bring me in from there." Jon didn't have anything to say to that. So he sighed and said, "I am going to get you out of here." Lucas nodded as Jon left the room. He got back into his car and sped out of the parking lot. His mind was spinning as he drove into the mansion. H
IT WAS ONE importance of having numerous contacts in every area of the world. One of his contacts had informed him of the incoming arrest. Maxim had been in the kitchen, making himself breakfast when he received a text from his contact saying that there was a big arrest of a Russian coming the next day, all the bosses in the head offices were riled up and prepared. That was all the heads up that Maxim needed. He tossed the eggs into the trash can and left the house without even parking a bag. Just his car key and the clothes on his body. He hopped into his G-wagon and drove gently – He didn't overspeed. Nothing to catch their attention – to the airport. He told his pilot to take a one way flight to Russia immediately but that was not possible. The pilot had told him that the fuel wouldn't carry them nonstop, so they had to make a stop in France to refuel, before making the last half of the journey. That sounded fine. He just wanted to be out of New Jersey when the FBI came knockin
JON HAD A very short night. He woke up 3 hours after he closed his eyes, and his eyes remained open. After lying prone for a long time, he turned and glanced at the bedside clock. It was 6 a.m. "I might as well prepare for my flight back to New Jersey," He muttered as he threw the covers back and swung his leg over the edge of the bed. He grunted to his feet and went to the bathroom. He stepped into the cold shower to wake him up for the morning. After washing up, he headed downstairs where the maids were already setting the table. Vincent had told them last night that the big boss was going to leave very early the following morning, so they had to wake early to make sure he is well taken care of.Jon took a seat at the dining table and nodded as his meal was served. "Have one of you get my bags from my room upstairs," He said to a servant boy who nodded and headed up immediately to get the bag. Jon took a bite of his breakfast and then turned to another servant nearby, "Go knock o
JON COULD NOT believe his ears. He stood on the port deck and watched the distance as Chambers approached their closest ship docked in the open sea. "Did you hear what I said, Master Stone?" Vincent asked. Jon nodded and said, "I just need some time to process the information." Vincent nodded and held his hand behind his back. He let Jon mull over the information in silence. After a few minutes, Jon asked, "Are they going in hot?" Vincent nodded, "Frok what he told me, They've got the FBI and Interpol with them. I don't see any way Maxim Ivanov would escape his arrest." "Lucas seems to think they'll screw it up somehow."Vincent gave a sad chuckle. "Your stepbrother has always had a pessimistic outlook. But I want you to see the bright side." Jon nodded, "By tomorrow, everything will be over. Maxim will be behind bars or facing trial snd my fiance will be safe again." Vincent nodded. "Yes. You should be glad."Jon was not sure how he was feeling. He still had a tugging at the b
JON HAD BEEN flying constantly between New York and New Jersey over the last week. More guards had been stationed from Washington D.C. to his house and office. He had a fleet of 8 large vessels now and was finally going to speak with Miguel about the trading routes. He was just finishing a cup of coffee when Oliver popped into his office. "Sir, there's someone here to see you," He said. Jon raised an eyebrow, "Who is it?" Oliver cane in and closed the door gently behind him. He cleared his throat and said, "She said she's from the NBC news station. They want to run a story on you." Jon was surprised. "Me?" He asked. Oliver nodded. "Personally, I don't like the media. I can turn her away if you like. The desk downstairs held her." Jon swiveled on his chair and thought aboht it. Then he shook his head and said, "No. Let her up." Oliver nodded dutifully and walked out. Jon shook his head and smiled wryly. He picked up his telephone and called Lucas's office. He was answered wit
IT WAS ALMOST a week since Jon went to see Mitrovic with the evidence. The past week has moved in a blur and it had been relatively calm. There was no assassination attempt, no faked accident. It was just a week of business, visiting Nicole, staying in constant communications with New York, and handling things in New Jersey.Jon was at the office when Oliver walked in, "I just secured another deal for a large vessel." "Hmm," Jon nodded. "That makes it the seventh.""Yes, sir.""How much did this one go for?" Jon asked. "Uh, 120 million dollars," "Is it worth it?" Jon asked. Oliver nodded. "Yes, yes. For sure." "Okay then," Jon rubbed his palms together. "Have it sailed and docked in New York. I will be headed there by the end of this week. I'll have the workers ready too." Oliver nodded. "We would need a sea line plotter," Jon paused and looked up, "What do you mean?" Oliver cleared his throat, "We'll, sir. They can't just be roaming the free waters like some pirates. They nee