Chapter seven


The pressure in the office was relentless. The fallout from the security breach had put everyone on edge, and Malika's parents' presence only heightened the tension. Their demands for swift action and accountability were growing more desperate by the day.

One morning, Malika's mother, a sharp-eyed woman with an air of icy authority, called her into a private meeting. I watched as Malika walked into the conference room, her posture stiff with tension.

"You need to find a scapegoat," her mother said coldly, not bothering with pleasantries. "This scandal is ruining us. We cannot afford for the public or our investors to know about our... other business ventures."

Malika's hands trembled slightly as she tried to respond. "Mother, it's not that simple. We don't even know who leaked the information yet. I actually don't know what to do now “.

Her mother leaned forward, her eyes boring into Malika's. "I don't care. Accuse someone—anyone. The blame must be shifted away from the company and, more importantly, from us. Do you understand?"

"Well, I have tons of people to accuse, mother. But Mustafa”.

Her mother rose her brows." Why not Mustafa. Have you been having sex with him too?”

"Apparently, yes. Letting him out might worsen the situation”.

Her mind wandered quickly, bringing Derek into the picture.

She snickered. “I know who, mom".

"Who caused the breach?”.

Malika started pacing around the room, heels against the glass floor.

"The coffee boy”.

Mrs. Badu immediately stood up,"You really have a low taste, Malika! You sleep with that boy, don't you?”

"of course mother. He is only a boy and can't be heard”.

Malika swallowed hard, her throat dry. “Don't worry, Mother. I'll handle it."

Her mother brushed her forehead, then smoothened her expensive Givenchy dress. "You had better. Your father and I won't tolerate failure. Remember that."

The door closed with a finality that echoed through the office. Malika emerged looking afraid, her face pale and drawn. The weight of her parents' demands was crushing her.

Days later, an incident occurred that would push Malika to the brink. It was late in the afternoon, and the office was almost empty. I was in the break room, trying to clear my head, when Malika walked in, her eyes locking onto mine with an intensity that made my heart race.

"Come with me," she said, her voice low and urgent.

I followed her down the hallway to the restroom, my mind spinning with possibilities. As soon as the door closed behind us, she pulled me into a fierce, almost desperate kiss. Her hands roamed over my body, and before I knew it, she grabbed my manhood.

“Make love to me". She had whispered into my ear.

We were entangled in a passionate embrace, our clothes disheveled and our breaths ragged.

Just as things reached a fever pitch, the restroom door swung open. We broke apart, both of us turning to see Malika's father standing there, his face a mask of fury.

"What the hell is going on here?" he roared, his voice echoing off the tiled walls.

Malika's face went white. "Father, he seduced me—" She started laughing.

Surprise and confusion wafted through my face. “No, she .. Ms. Badu asked me-" 

"Save it," he snapped. "This is disgraceful! Do you have any idea what this looks like?"

I stepped forward, trying to explain. "Sir, it's not what it seems—"

"Quiet!" he barked. His eyes bore into Malika's. "You're going to accuse him. This Derek will take the fall for the breach."

My eyes widened in horror. 

"You will," he said, his voice cold and unyielding. "Or do you want the world to know about this little... affair of yours? How will that look for our family and the company?"

Malika looked at me, her eyes filled with evil and sexual desire. Though, I could see the turmoil in her expression, the war between her duty to her family and whatever feelings she might have for me.

Her father took a step closer, his voice dropping to a menacing whisper. “ You accuse Derek, or we lose everything. Do you understand?"

Malika nodded frantically. She left the restroom. 

As her father left the restroom, he grunted at me.

I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach. The reality of our situation was stark and unforgiving. 

Over the next few days, Malika's behavior became increasingly erratic. She would summon me to her office at odd hours, her demeanor swinging wildly between desperation and rage, engaging me in forceful sexual activities.

Our encounters were a chaotic mix of passion and fear, each one leaving me more confused and worried than the last.

One evening, after a particularly intense argument with her parents, Malika called me to her office again. Her eyes darkened with mascara.

I took a deep breath, trying to remain calm. "Malika, we need to find another way. Accusing me won't solve anything. It will only make things worse."

"How dare you address me by my name?”

It was in the icy moment that I realized I was nothing to them. To Malika. To anyone.

"I'm sorry”. I said.

"Now, get out of my office, you snitch!”

I immediately stood up, heading to the door then she called me back, commanding me to change into one of the lingeries in her closet.

I didn't want to, at first. But she threatened to hurt Yen.

"I know you like that Asian girl”. She had told me.

I immediately obliged. 

The days that followed were a blur of tension and fear. Malika continued to sleep with me, her need for control and comfort clashing with her growing paranoia. Each encounter left me both feeling more entangled and more trapped.

Then, one fateful afternoon, everything came to a head. Malika's parents called another meeting, this time including several key staff members. The air was thick with anticipation and dread as we gathered in the conference room.

Malika's father stood at the head of the table, his expression severe. "We have identified the source of the breach," he announced, his voice carrying a chilling finality.

All eyes turned to Malika, who looked like she was about to collapse. She took a deep breath, her gaze flicking to me before she spoke.

"It was Derek," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "Derek was responsible for the breach."

A murmur of shock rippled through the room. I felt like the ground had been pulled out from under me. My mind raced, trying to process what was happening.

"That's a lie," I said, my voice trembling with anger and disbelief. "I didn't do it."

Malika's father slammed his hand on the table. "Silence! The evidence is clear. Derek will be dealt with accordingly."

I looked at Malika, pleading silently for her to tell the truth. But she avoided my gaze, her face a mask of resignation.

The meeting ended with my immediate suspension and a promise of further investigation. As I was escorted out of the building, I couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal and despair.

That evening, Malika found me outside the coffee room. I took a step back, my heart aching with a mixture of anger and sorrow. "Malika, you sold me out. How can I ever trust you again?"

I shook my head, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on me.

“You are nothing, Derek". Was the only thing she said to me and walked out.

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