he doesn’t have a mission.

“It’s both, I have a new mission and I need your help with it,” Hudson answered calmly.

Ajax started laughing out loud. “I knew it, I know you inside out, I knew you wouldn’t come here just to visit,”

“Come on, you know it’s not like that, I do come to see you when I don’t have a mission, but you know my time between both worlds is limited,” Hudson complained. Ajax finally stopped laughing.

“You are right, now tell me, what is your new mission about?” Ajax asked gazing at Hudson with a serious look in his eyes.

Hudson started explaining how his new mission is for him to own a new shop in the magical world.


“This mission is going to be tricky, it’s not hard, but it’s going to be tricky. Finding a shop to buy here in the magical world has a lot of process,” Ajax stated calmly with one hand under his chin.

He knew it wasn’t going to be hard for Hudson to see a shop to buy, but the process involved is what he is worried about as Shop owners in the magical w
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