The sunshine in the capital was far too different than what he saw in his hometown. Its bright and golden rays were regal, and its warmth felt royal than the regular sunshine, Ghwyr experienced at home.
It was still the very early hours of the morning, and yet the streets were already filled with carriages and people in both grandiose and simple clothing walking on and about. It was far too different from the serene hometown of Gayaham, where he once lived.
The capital never rested, not even for a blink. The people walked fast, never looking back to check whether someone might be calling them or if they left something. The people were cold, matter of fact, to the point of being heartless. It was a different place.
However, he wasn’t there to cry and ask for pity, nor complain about how the citizens of this huge capital treat each other. He was there because he wanted to fulfill his dream of becoming a hero. He wanted to be recognized and become a member of a party, traveling the scourged continents and stopping the evil forces from advancing to the last kingdom of hope, Evalom.
Unfortunately, that dream was nothing more than a far-fetched and far-flung thought that he told himself when he entered the capital three years ago. Three years passed, and he still hadn’t found a party. He was still also a copper-rank, no matter how many times he tried to get a better mission, no one would ever party with him.
Aside from people being cold and cutthroat in this city, most parties didn’t like to tag with people who didn’t have a previous experience in raiding, looting, and or fighting. Well, that shouldn’t be a problem for him, since he was a townsguard before, and there were some instances where he defended his town against a small group of goblins, lost bandits, and some dire monsters from the forest. But due to his size, no one would believe him.
People look at him and tell him he was too ambitious for a young dwarf to be part in a party. Some would even tell him to grow a beard first, before they hire him. The sad thing about those statements was the fact that he wasn’t even a dwarf. He was halfling, never a distant relative to the short lot, nor a direct descendant of the mountain kings.
It would’ve been nice if this day would be his lucky day. Maybe find a powerful artifact he could claim or slay a monster or two so he could show it to the Guild Master for his rank enhancement, but he would just be dreaming by then.
He took a sharp left into the dim alleyway near the merchant square and ran until he found a rusty gate around a big windowless structure.
“Sewer.” He read.
He immediately opened the creaking door and went down the mossy steps below, where a group of men were waiting for him from a small passageway. They were speaking discreetly under the cloth they covered their nose and mouth with.
“A great!” One man scoffed after seeing him. “A midget! Did the GM know how flooded sewers can be?” He asked another man.
“We are currently short of people.” The other one replied. “We’ll have to make do.” He added.
“I love your pun!” He punched the other man’s shoulder and laughed. “If that is the case, then don’t drown on us, kid!” He looked at Ghwyr with a mocking stare.
Ghwyr wasn’t fazed by him. He nodded his head and answered back.
“I won’t drown or be a dead-weight, I promise.” He sighed. “So don’t be.” He jabbed back.
The man’s happy demeanor was gone in an instant. He didn’t like the way Ghwyr spoke to him. He glared at him from across the room and was about to approach him when they heard loud footsteps descending the ladder.
“Good morning, gentlemen!” The man’s husky yet booming voice echoed throughout the passageway. “I presume everyone has had breakfast and is well acquainted with each other already?” His voice was warm, yet commanding.
“Oh, absolutely… Old Man Logue.” One man answered. “There was just a little problem earlier, but I think they had settled it now.” He said.
“Little problem? What do you mean by lil—” The old man saw Ghwyr and immediately understood the situation. “Oh, well… we need every hand we could possibly get. So, please, treat him well.” The old man pleaded.
The rest of the men nodded silently. After a few minutes of waiting, the old man counted the men inside the passageway. There were 15 of them, but as someone joked, fourteen and a half. Everyone laughed, except for Ghwyr. He knew the joke was targeted on him.
The old man called out to someone from the surface, and not a minute later, a few men carrying huge sacks descended.
“Listen, gentlemen.” Old man Logue asked for their attention. “We are to clean the clogged main drainages of the city sewer. Please wear your cloth masks and bring this with you.” He kicked the sack to expose sharp spades and swords inside it. “This will be your weapons, for the shit and anything else that we might bump right into…. Hopefully, it’s only rats.” He whispered the last line under his breath.
After each one of them got their spade and blade, they holstered them and carried them deeper into sewers. Ghwyr, unfortunately, had a difficult time carrying the spade and sword since it was off his height. The spade was bigger than him, and carrying it on his shoulder meant that it would hit anyone else following him from behind. He dragged the spade, but it was too noisy. The only solution he found for it was to carry it like a baby, cradled in his arms as he walked through the muck and miasmic waters.
Most of the sewer passageways were well lit. They were able to see the mossy and muddy path from the waterway beside it. However, as they went deeper into the sewer, the dark, murky water was cloaking their way.
It didn’t help that the lit passageways were becoming dimmer as they went further. The water was also getting higher, and it was worrying him. Just as they reached the main tunnel, the water was already waist deep for the normal persons, which was chest deep for him.
The stinky and sludge explained the reason for the blockage. The water here was as thick as mud and filled with wastes of all sorts. The stench was unbelievably horrible that some of the man gagged from its overwhelming miasma. Fortunately, he didn’t.
“Men, strengthen your stomachs. This might take a while.” Old Man Logue said. “We need to find the blockage in one of these main waterways and unblock it. We shall start with here!” He pointed at the farthest tunnel to the right. “Be ready! We might have an unwanted guest or two.” He added.
The water was relatively of the same depth, but the floor they were walking on was too slippery and muddy. They slowly progressed their way into the first drainage until they finally arrived.
“There! That huge chunk of matter has to be removed!” The old man commanded. They moved closer to the huge block of fecal matter plugging the way.
At this point, the old man discouraged them from using any sort of fire, in case the miasma would catch it. They had to rely on his light casting spell to see through the dark. But as they moved closer, they noticed the ten-foot chunk of waste moved.
The old man signaled them to halt and instead, used his magical light source to approach the huge pile. As one of his little fireflies hovered closer, a huge mouth opened from the darkness and swallowed it whole. Multiple red eyes glowed in the dark and slowly crept forward. Their monstrous silhouette stood at around 6 feet tall, and their tails were long and rigid.
“Giant rats!” One man shouted and pointed his spade at them.
“Everyone ready your weapons!” The old man’s voice boomed as he took out his sword. “We have company!” He controlled his fireflies once again and made them hover as high as he could enough for the entire place to be illuminated. “I… c-can’t… hold this… for too long… kill those rats before I lose my consciousness.” He said.
Although struggling, Ghwyr raised his spade and tiptoed on the muddy floor as the monstrous rats were coming closer to them.
Related Chapters
Half A Hero 2
“Stay together!” Old man Logue commanded as the pack of gigantic rats slowly approached them. “Hold you ground and make sure you don’t step on the waterway or you’re dead!” His voice boomed as his steel sword glistened in the light while slashing the giant vermin as hard as he could.Ghwyr was able to dodge in and out of their annoying attacks despite having difficult footing. Since he was unable to pull out his sword, he used spade as his weapon. He poked and bashed the attacking rats, and even gutted a few of them as they carried on with their mission.No one was backing down. The rats, as big as it were still couldn’t outmatch them in terms of skills. Ghwyr and the rest of the men were able to kill a substantial amount of the vermin that the rest of them scattered and ran away.Ghwyr was still able to kill one more rat when he threw the spade towards it and immediately skewered the rat on the head. The monster fell to the murky water, unmoving and dead. After their skirmish, they p
Half A Hero 3
“Run!” The old man shouted. “Everyone, run! That is a monster we couldn’t handle!” He pushed away a man blocking his path and made a run for it.As they saw the old man made his escape, everyone panicked and joined into the chaos. They ran away, throwing their spades and pushing each other to make their way first into the passageway exit. A foolish and amateur move to do.Despite the panic, Ghwyr remained calm and tried his best to hustle out of the nudging crowd, but his height proved to be at a disadvantage as the bigger men pushed him away. The last man who pushed him, knocked too hard and got him off balanced. He fell into the mucky waters of the waterways just as a powerful current pushed him further away from themThe murky water was unpleasant. His clothed masked didn’t help him as he drank a few ounces of the vile liquid as he got smashed against the surprisingly powerful waves of the waterway. The dark water was slowly swallowing him. He could feel the muck and every mysterio
Half A Hero 4
Ghwyr ran as hard as he could. To get away from the monster. He wasn’t sure if it has died from his attack or if he wounded it. Maybe, his attack didn’t even scratch the monster’s hide for all he knew. But he wasn’t standing there and wait around. He ran with the other humans, but unfortunately, they didn’t even try help him despite the feat he did.They ran away without looking back and left him out there, fatigued and light-headed from the struggle he did with the vile water. His fatigue could most likely be attributed from the dirty water her accidentally ingested while he was drowning earlier. The toxins and manure were wreaking havoc on his body, and he was far away from the surface.Regardless of what he felt, he wasn’t willing to give up and die just yet. It would be very anti-climactic for him to die, just before he got known as a hero. Or if the fates would be cruel to him, at the very least make him reach the surface and have a proper burial than be eaten by the rats and oth
Half A Hero 5
Ghwyr was still fighting for his life as his body froze on the cold floor. But the more he tried to move his body, the more he realized he wasn’t able to do anything. His heart was beating violently as the sound of the razor-sharp nails came closer to him.He became more anxious when he heard the two alternating sounds of the claws from two directions. There was more than one of it and now, he might be eaten by the two monsters. Unable to do anything about it, he closed his eyes and prayed once again, in hopes that the monsters would end him quickly.He could hear the other one growling just a few feet away from him. It sounded angry, as it should be after what he did. It screeched and hissed before hearing its footsteps charging towards him. Just as he was about to be mangled by the monster, he felt someone grabbed him by the shoulders.“Light force shield!” The voice came sounded like a woman. “Your turn, guys!” She shouted enthusiastically.Ghwyr was able to slightly open his eyes
Half A Hero 6
“Kiddo?” The stern lady squinted at the brawny man. “You called him a kiddo?! I can’t… I just can’t!” She shook her head while massaging the bridge of her nose. “What did I say wrong this time?” The brawny man asked. “Bjorn… let me remind you that WE couldn’t afford another discriminatory complaint from the Guild!” She said. “This man right here is a halfling. Not a child and definitely not a dwarf! Please, get your words sorted!” She raised an eyebrow at him. “Oh, is he a halfling?” The man approached him and leaned over as he squinted his eyes. “He does look like a child… no offense, kiddo.” He smiled and patted his shoulder. “By the gods! This is why we couldn’t have nice things!” The woman rolled her eyes. “What would you say the next time you see a halfling? A kiddo? A gal? A lad?! The last time I recalled, you call a dwarf a kid wearing a thick mustache!” She pointed at him. The brawny man laughed. “It was a good joke.” He nodded at the other men behind him. “It wasn’t Bjor
Half A Hero 7
Ghwyr still couldn’t believe the chance that he has. It was like Lady Salidas had smiled upon him and gave him a chance to become an honorary part of one of the greatest parties the Guild has every had. The party of the Iron Bears was most renowned for their recklessness and bravery. Some would call them heroes while partly panned as fools by those whom they have come across.If they were who they say they were, then, the big man he had talked to earlier was undoubtably Bjorn Bearskin. The only known berserker in the kingdom. A man famous for his crazy deeds as much as the heroic feats he had made throughout his illustrious career.He felt happy and nervous at the same time to be with such prestigious group. Bjorn assigned him along with the golden-haired healer, Frejr and the mysterious swordsman only known by the name, Arenviel. These members were fairly new to his party. The original members disbanded at the same time that he decided to travel to Evalom.Ghwyr couldn’t forget that
Half A Hero 8
“How many are still standing?” Arenviel shouted to Bjorn.“Couldn’t count ‘em all.” The big man answered while smashing together two monster heads. “But I could sure tell there still a lot of them.” He smiled.“I might run out of arrows.” Tersextes shouted from the back. “Looks like they are far too many.” He reported.“Good! Because I am still warming up.” Bjorn laughed and charged towards the monsters. His strong arms were enough to cut through the swarm. He mowed the monsters and pushed them back. “Keep up, kiddo!” He shouted to Ghwyr, who was fighting earnestly, swarmed by a few monsters of his own.The halfling couldn’t see as much, especially with a small group of the monsters have ganged up on him. However, he didn’t waste the opportunity to showcase the skills he had got from training alone in their wild forest.Using that very knowledge, he tried his best to evade the wide claw slashes and stabbing attacks the monsters did. He dodged one more attack and swung his axe on the c
Half A Hero 9
The morning was unusually cold as Ghwyr opened his eyes. To his surprise, he was welcomed by a very familiar ceiling. The crisscrossing patterns of the dried and weaved river reeds was a staple ceiling in his hometown.He closed his eyes once again, trying to dream about the saga of his short-lived life as a hero.“One stab at the heart…” He thought. “That’s all it needed to put me down.” He sighed in disappointment.He really wanted to become a great hero. That was his very reason why he left home and struggled in the capital. He left his post as a townsguard because of that same reason. He cleaned toilets, scrubbed floors, feed horses, and other mundane stuff that the Guild would request of him, if that was what it took him to get a higher-ranking badge.Wait a second! He should still be in the capital, right?!Ghwyr opened his eyes and realized that after a few minutes of contemplation. He sat up on his bed and looked around the room. He was at his room, but it was a little differe
Latest Chapter
Ghwyr was dropped off at the western point of the dungeon which was a barren hill very far from the main city. The sun was already setting at the horizon the moment they arrived there. During their long and windy trip, they had passed about five towns that he wasn’t familiar. He didn’t even think that there were towns and villages located in such a remote place as this.He looked around the barren land and saw nothing but dead trees and dry boulders lying on the ground untouched by man. From his position, he could see a small visage of the sea below. The peaceful blue sea was a great contrast to the brown and lifeless color of the hill he was standing on.He shook his head and tried to get that thought out of his head. There were some more pressing matters he needed to attend to; for one, it was already dusk, and he needed to make camp immediately.He looked at the sun setting at the horizon and without skipping a beat, he began to make camp. He made a simple tent out of dried branch
The following morning was just like any other morning in the capital. The cold breeze and the chirping birds were all the ordinary things that he usually heard every morning. But nothing was ordinary that day. Today was the day of their test, the Dungeon Crawl. Ghwyr woke up early and readied his kit, checking everything was there and making sure that he didn’t leave a thing. One missing item could be a matter of life and death. After checking the bag for the third time, he donned his armor, and checked his weapons. When everything was set and done, he went down to the bar and ordered a hearty breakfast before waving his goodbye to Mama Berta. “Will yah be gone for a while?” The barkeeper asked. “It’s a dungeon crawl, Mama Berta and my first time at it. I am not certain how many days that would take us to finish.” He answered while taking a deep breath. “Why’re yah sounding like yah gon’ die?” The barkeeper sighed and shook her head. “Tip from me… make sure yah finish the crawl be
Chills ran down his spine as he thought about what just happened. The sweet old lady, Baba Sheby could be one powerful opponent if you get to her bad side. Now he realized why so many adventurers called her witch.He shook his head and went around the market, trying to kill the last few hours and get himself entertained to relax himself from all the studying he did. Good thing the market wasn’t short of mouth-watering stalls for him to splurge a little bit of his budget on.There were stalls for grilled meats, of all kinds, exotic cuisines from all over the kingdom lined up on one street. He wondered around for a few minutes, checking up the stalls just to know which ones to buy from. After a couple of rounds, he set his eyes on the fried squid stall and the weird yet queued upon green noodles from the Zimazo region.He first went to the fried squid section and ate the butterflied and battered fried squid. It was skewered in a thin wooden stick to easily grip the food while he walked
“Hmmm… pretty interesting my dear halfling.” The old woman smiled and sipped her tea.Ghwyr nodded enthusiastically at her. “Oh, I still have more…” He said as he picked the stories he could share in his head.He still has a lot of things he could’ve told her, like those other adventurers that were treating him differently and often shunning him. However, he didn’t want the old woman to worry more than she already was.He noticed how worried she was as he continued to speak about his adventures. He told her how he got his new armor and weapons, and how he learned a new style in combat which he was proud the most. Baba Sheby nodded and smiled at his stories, but her eyes had a hint of gloom in them. He ended his story with the current situation he was at, the Dungeon Crawl.“You fearless little one.” She shook her head. “I have always worried about you ever since you told me what you wanted to be. Not everyone could achieve their dreams in your profession, and I have always prayed to m
The petite old woman waddled towards her small round table at the middle of the room, near her cozy and colorful fireplace. The place hasn’t changed for years. There were still those dried herbs and flowers the old woman hung by the counter of her kitchen which he could visibly see from the living room. The furniture all over her house were still the same red lumber, elegantly carved into beautiful set pieces of chairs and tables with mystical animals in the base of each furniture.Baba Sheby pointed him to his seat. Ghwyr thanked the old lady and sat on the chair with a carved unicorn on the base. It was his favorite seat and even without him telling that to her, Baba Sheby seemed to know that it was.While the old woman was preparing her tea, Ghwyr peeped at the counter at the corner of the room. Behind the beautiful furniture carved with a serpents and ivy vines wrapping on its edges was a simple, yet huge shelf filled with items from potions, dried herbs, spices, peculiar trinkets
Ghwyr sighed as the one-eyed swordsman stormed out of the room. He turned to the other adventurers who looked stunned at what just happened. Their eyes were staring at the empty doorway before going back to the board with all the diagrams drawn there.“W-what now?” The adventurer with an upturned nose asked.Ghwyr stood up while shaking his head, astounded at their cluelessness to the situation. “We better get studying.” He said while glancing at them. “Or else we die inside that damned dungeon.” He walked out and left the other adventurers mumbling and throwing insults at him like little children having a fit.He wasn’t sure how did they became adventurers. They may not be seasoned like the higher ranks, but they should at least know a thing or two about being tact and insightful towards certain situations. Now, they were left with no one to teach them or explain things from the mini book. Ghwyr highly doubted that Heffer would even return tomorrow, knowing the moody nature of their
After a quick breakfast of toasted bread, goat butter, and soft cheese, Ghwyr went up the stairs and into his room where he donned his armor and sling his blade on his side, ready for the day ahead! He locked his room and headed for the Guild Hall with just half an hour to spare.He arrived at the bustling guildhall with adventurers lining up early in the administration desks just before they opened. In their hands were parchments from the bounties they pulled out of the board.Curious, Ghwyr went to the board and was shocked to see the board riddled with a lot of requests. Parchments upon parchments were nailed into the board and he saw a lot of adventurers claiming some of the bounty request, but the board wasn’t thinning.He looked at some of the most recent request and found out that most of them were party related. He turned to the adventurers on the queue and realized most of them were not at a party. He checked at the party bounty requests and noticed the hefty rewards in store
Three days had passed, and everyone already had a good hang of the ability they were taught. The armor-searing spell wasn’t as taxing as they thought it would be (until you have to incorporate it with some other spells and moving attacks). Although using it in actual combat might be a little tricky than they thought it might.Not all armors were created equal, and some had high-level enchantments more than others. In fact, not all opponents were built equally! Heffer was very keen on letting them understand about it before they could brag about the silly spells he taught them. After mastering the armor-searing spell, a few days back, Ghwyr and the remaining students of the terror swordsman were taught a few more spells in their arsenal. The firebolt spell for their additional attack, the stoneskin spell for additional defense, and lastly, the enhancement spell for well… enhancing their attributes like their speed, agility, and strength while on battle.It didn’t take them long to rea
Another week has passed, and their numbers dwindled even further. After Heffer showed them the dance and the steps that came along with it, five more adventurers dropped out from the program to continue adventuring. The nine students were now down to four.As Ghwyr recalled, he noted one of them arguing with Heffer that the lessons he had taught them up until that point were enough to help them survive attackers and bandits. They didn’t need to know more of it since; they were burning their coins already and they were getting broker by the day they stalled from adventuring.Heffer didn’t argue with them. In fact, he didn’t say a word. He simply allowed them to take their leave and wished them luck with their adventure. However, before they left, the swordsman made them promised something.“Don’t ever show your face in this class again, nor teach this skill to anyone, or else I will kill you.” Heffer threatened. “I have eyes and ears everywhere. If I see you brag about being taught by