An interval

       The Next day. A market square. 

     "Fetch two of the pigeons. One for my son and the other for me."

     The woman dressed in an old white robe said to the young lady selling the pigeons. The young lady had a son of probably 6 years old stroking one of the pigeons on the head. Seemed like that was his own pet. 

     "What do you need the two for? For sacrifice?"

     The young lady teased as she handed the two pigeons to the woman. The woman looked offended by the question but she said instead,

    "Isn't your concern only to sell? Why the questioning? By the way, Yes!"

     The young lady chuckled. The woman was impossible. Why nag when you know you'd answer the question eventually?

     "But I heard that the priest of the land was killed. Who would offer the sacrifice for you or prepare the processes?"<

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