Be gone, Creep!

     Under a tree. A forest. 

"For how long will we sit here?"

Tahni asked the barely clothed Aynea who was picking some crushed twigs in the earth. She didn't know why the lady was quite creepy and spent her time doing dirty and pretty crazy things. Things you can't possibly explain its reason of being. 

The stooping Aynea looked up at her, her back to the stretch of shrubs and woods. Then she said, her dusky face fawning her words,

"Aynea be sit here all day. If you be want, you be sit with Aynea."

Aynea had that naughty and childish face that Tahni found appealing which was one of the reasons she hadn't decided to let the wierd dryad be all by herself. 


Tahni called immediately, distracted from her precious thoughts. She was jumpy, wishing she could break into the bark of the tree and enter through. 

"Be scared for Aynea?"

Aynea said without looking at her back, unaware of t

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