Family Ties

    In a Cave. 

~The Princess and Aynea~

"What should be become of us now?"

"You meant what will?"

Aynea corrected, looking past the seemingly worried princess to the cold wall with stripes of brown and green scattered all over it. Many believed that the rock had lived several years before the existence of men. The Israelites believed that Nine hundred and Seventy-four generations existed before ours. And such stories did take the fancies of the Dryad. 

"I could tell you several stories you've never heard about and we could make a travel away from this troubled land. Don't you think?"

Aynea had added, now measuring the degree of mirth confounded by confusing splattered across the princess' face. 

"You shouldn't had been that loyal to Athena despite the fact that she is authentic. We could had taken over the kindgom and send her running."

"And then what?"

Aynea tackled. 

"Of course tak

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