
      In the wood

~Prium and Miargos~

"What's that up ahead?"

Miargos halted suddenly. He was the one leading the way. Prium was just few steps behind him. She had argued that he kept his distance beyond or behind her else she'd stop him from going with her. 

She had a torn part of a cloth wrapped around some object which was clutched to her breast. 

She caught up with him,

"Don't tell me that this is your own trick of walking side by side with me."

He glared at her,


That expression seemed to move her. 

"You seem to had grown wings now, eh?"

"Look ahead."

He ignored, tossing his head to the front. She shook her head in disbelief,

"Go to hell."

She walked away from him towards the ridge up ahead of them. He grunted,

"There's no winning with her."

"Wait up."

He hurried to catch up with her. But as he did, he stumbled on a long th

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