The Missing Boy

      The Palace. 

"Put the light out!!!"

Vulcan's voice, no matter how loudly he had yelled and called, seemed lower than his growing confusion. His eyes keen on the group of guards pouring out water on the blazing fire eating into the fort in the palace square. 

The side of his face suddenly caught a figure walking out of the palace. He turned quickly in that direction, as Athena walked briskly towards him. 

"Where have you been?"

He looked away from her to the guards who kept running about. Trying their best to fix the scar the monster had left on the palace. 

"Tending to some business."

"Business quite intense than being around your Lord at this critical moment?"

His ogle was tamed but the tempo of his voice was unbridled and couldn't hide the swelling rage. 

"It's something I had to do, my Lord."

"Without my consent? I bet you just do whatever you think best for you wit

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