The Plot and choice...


"Where are they running to?"

The princess asked, looking past Prium, Ivan and Hava. 

"Isn't it obvious? They are scared. Who wouldn't run away at the sight of terror?!"

Prium pretended to be indifferent and bold but deep inside her guts she was quaking and shaking. She hated to admit her weakness. She felt like twould kill her if she did admit to it. 

"You're not in the position to say that, you know Prium. You're very at the mercy of Aynea as the other two men standing behind you, as well as your father and Ayla. The only person who doesn't deserve punishment is Tahni."

Prium scoffed at the words of the Princess. The two men standing behind Prium seemed to be trying so hard to believe their eyes. It seemed to them as though they had been caught in some trance. 

"And I'm certain that you'll make an exception for me and my group because it seems as though we now share something in common."

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