The Steer

    An invisible house on the lips of a lake. 

"What news do you bring?"

Vulcan asked, looking at Ayla, then looked away to Tahni and asked,

"And did you have a nice time?"

Tahni was the first to speak,

"Ayla already told me that, we don't get to ask too much questions when we expect an answer. One question at a time."


Prium scorned, rolling her eyes. 

"Ignore her."

Vulcan came on and built on what Tahni had edified,

"That's quite a way to think. So, Ayla, what news do you bring from the land of the mortals?"

Ayla stared blankly for a while as though she was trying to find her voice. 

"The land will be plunged into chaos sooner than later. Though we didn't hear from the direct source because we didn't have the time on our side, but there is a rumor of war in the air which wouldn't be favorable to the people of the land. The men we saw the last time are with ill moti

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