
     Under a tree. 

~Prium and Miargos~

"Why do you keep following me, Prium?"

He turned to her, breathing heavily. They both had been running through the woods since a while and he decided to take a break since he couldn't lose her. Though he had tried as much as possible to do just that. 

She was seated next to him, almost brushing sides with him. Twas just too good to be true that the almighty, highly egoistic and indifferent Prium wasn't going to let go of him. Technically stalking him. 

"Why do you keep running away from me? Is it because of what happened before I went to Poseidon's cave? The biting of your lips?"

He scoffed and looked away from her to the swell of the shrubs up ahead of them. 

"Unbelievable. How easy it is for you to change the topic, Prium!"

He paused for a while then added,

"Maybe I should just go then."

He made to stand but she reached out her hand and h

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