Related Chapters
Harem Ethics 101 75. I Feel a Lot of Tension in this Area
Hot water hissed from every shower head in the shower room, filling the air with comfortably warm steam. At the center of it all, the warden relaxed face down and naked atop the padded surface of the massage table I’d conjured. She used her forearms as a makeshift pillow to rest the side of her face against.I stood beside the table and it took every bit of my willpower to ignore the lust bubbling in me as I rubbed the rose scented soap over the smooth, paper-white skin of her sculpted ass – to massage her muscles and wash her clean instead of greedily groping and feeling. Alright, gotta make sure the massage itself feels good enough that she doesn’t want it to end and won’t start my tease timer… “Does that feel good?” “Yes…” she replied with a contented sigh, eyes closed. My hands moved to her legs, going to work on her inner thighs dangerously close to her pussy before continuing down. A shuddering flex ran through her body at the closeness of my fingers to her womanhood. My k
Harem Ethics 101 76. (part 1) Something I've been Meaning to tell You
Too curious to resist what this ‘idea’ was, I got off of the warden and stood in the middle of the steam-filled shower room, jerking off while the warden sat atop the nearby massage table with a look of smug satisfaction. My cock was slick with slippery, rose-scented soap, making it feel kind of like I was masturbating with lube. I debated going hard and finishing as soon as possible, but something in her dark, aroused eyes stoked my curiosity. So, I decided to take my time. “What now?” I asked, giving her a raised eyebrow. “Or do you really just want me to ‘pleasure myself’?” “For now, yes, I would have you continue.” She hopped down from the table and casually strolled towards me, her naked body on full display for me. Stopping just short of the tip of my cock touching her stomach, her eyes held mine for a moment before trailing down my body to watch as my hand lazily pumped up and down my length. I inhaled steamy air deeply through my nose, shoving down the rebellious desire t
Harem Ethics 101 76. (Part 2) Something I've Been Meaning to Tell You
“What’s the reason then?” I asked, shifting on the steam coated leather of the couch to mirror the warden by facing her. “There’s a woman living in the Forest of Embers whom I served with before becoming the warden of Stone Lock. Someone I wish to see again.” I felt as though I already knew who this person had been to her by the lovesick regret on her face, but I stayed quiet and waited for her to continue. “She was initially just one among those I’d bedded earlier in my service to the Myrian military, but over time we grew to love one another.” She averted her gaze, brow furrowing with apprehension. “But something happened?” I guessed. “Yes.” She turned her dark eyes back to me, guilt now shading her regretful expression. “Something went wrong during a mission. We disagreed on how we should handle something in the aftermath and settled on taking very different approaches to dealing with that problem… I ended up with accolades, while she was stripped of her rank and cast out.”
Harem Ethics 101 76. (Part 3) something I've Been Meaning to Tell You
The warden blinked at me, a touch of embarrassment in her face at my declaration of wanting to help her make up with her former lover. “Why were you worried about telling me?” I said through a smile, a little confusion trickling into my voice. “In truth, I don’t know. I might have been ashamed by my desire to reach out so suddenly.” Her fingers trailed from my hair to trace slow patterns against my shoulder. She didn’t speak for a moment, but the way she quirked her mouth to the side told me she was thinking something over. I kept my mouth shut and waited for her to continue. “Or perhaps I was uncertain of how you’d react.” A shadow of nerves darkened her expression. “What?” I said with a light chuckle. “Really? Wanting to reconnect with your long lost girlfriend is awesome!” A small smile twitched at the corners of her mouth at my positive reception. “For the sake of clarity, my primary goal is to make amends, not to rekindle our love.” Seeing her try to suppress a big smile
Harem Ethics 101 77. It's Story Time
Sitting next to me on the couch at the center of the communal showers, the warden’s dark gaze left my growing erection to travel appreciatively up my naked body. She took in a deep breath of the steam-filled air before letting out a sigh shuddering with arousal. “On second thought, as you are about to meet Lysandra, and because I’m not certain if she’d wish such stories to be shared… I shall instead tell you three stories which don't include her,” she said, her eyes finding mine. “Hm… I guess that makes sense,” I said with a thoughtful smile. “But, uh, even though I wasn’t sure how you were intending on doing it… it’s kind of hard to tell me how likely you think it is she’ll be into fucking me if she’s not in any of the stories.” “This is quite true… I suppose you’ll just have to figure it out for yourself after meeting her,” she said coyly. “Oh, most definitely will.” My hand went to her glistening thigh to slide along the lean muscle to gather some rosy soap. I smirked in satis
Harem Ethics 101 78. The Second Was a Human
The warm steam filling the air felt almost intoxicating. It covered the warden and I, creating beads of water which ran down our naked bodies whenever we moved. At the center of the communal showers, I sat in the middle of the couch I’d conjured. My arms rested along the top of the backrest and my legs were parted, with a beautiful shadow primal nestled against my side. Her delicate hand lay on my body less than an inch from the base of my fully erect cock. Her smug grin widened with pleased arousal as I gave her to go ahead to ‘wash’ my almost painfully hard manhood. I was going into dangerous waters, so I soothed myself with possible lies about my self-control.. She’s definitely going to start jerking me off, but I’ll wait until she’s super turned before starting her tease timer. “Now… where was I?” the warden wondered aloud. “Fuck…” I groaned at the pleasure of her fingers wrapping around my cock and the following sensation of her hand sliding up and down my soap-sli
Harem Ethics 101 79. Filthy
With the conclusion of the warden’s second story, my orgasm was moments away from crashing down on me. The warden let out a low, silky laugh as my muscles tightened in a physical representation of my will struggling to keep myself from blowing my load. Her hand stopped pumping and came to rest at the base of my cock, continuing to hold my manhood firmly. “My, my… I had no idea you enjoyed being cleaned so much.” Wet from the moisture of the steam wafting off the water hissing from the surrounding showerheads, she licked her lips. With her only holding my length and no longer jerking me off, I was able to slow down and keep myself from finishing. My heart calmed, but my dick remained hard like diamonds. “What did you think of my story?” She tilted her face up to look at me through dark, horny eyes. I asked the first thing that came to mind, due to my brain still coming down from the combination of her handjob and the story itself. “Isn’t it, uh, bad for superior officers to fu
Harem Ethics 101 80. Simple Creatures
On her knees between my legs, the warden slowly applied soap to my thighs as I relaxed on the couch in the center of the steam-filled shower room. The warden flashed me a grin before beginning her third and final story. “For the final woman… She was half-aviatin with the golden eyes of a bird of prey. Her hair was blue like that of a bird’s plumage, with feathers of the same azure color amidst her soft, gorgeous locks. Apart from this and her nails reminiscent of talons, she appeared as a petite human woman. Dirty interest flared in my core at the exotic description. Her eyes flicked from my cock to my face while she ran her hands sliding towards my knees, her back arching and chest pushing out as she did. “She stood about a head shorter than I, her cute chest small enough to fit easily in my cupped palms. Unlike her breasts, though, she had hips and an ass that appeared quite delectable in proportion to the rest of her small stature.” Her eyes flicked from my cock to my face
Latest Chapter
175. What Kind of Game?
“What do you mean?” I asked, thinking I knew already, but wanting to hear her say it to avoid any possibility of misunderstanding. “What kind of game?”. “A game where we can explore darker urges,” she said, eyes and voice smoldering with arousal. “For you see, on occasion it can be fun to allow someone to feel that rush of power all people secretly want.” My cock demanded action as my guts surged with excited energy, and my mind agreed. I grinned at her. Want to play at being a nice submissive demi-empyrean for me?” Holding my gaze, she slipped her hand from mine and rose from her seat. Her bare feet padded lightly against the floor as she took a few paces away from me. I shifted in my seat and watched her. Focus going to the window framed by her wings to enjoy the way her hips and skirt swayed with her steps. I only caught hints of its outline because of the loose lower half of the sundress, but need surged as I thought of the juicy, firm ass I knew awaited me. My cock flexed
MegaNovel Discord and Release Schedule
Hey, folks. I'll be hanging out on the MegaNovel Discord. Feel free to let me know what you think about the book. Or about whatever else... argue with me about the sex ethics of the characters in the book, tell me you want to focus on story, more sex scenes, more talking, or if you want to just chat about whatever. I also take requests for scenes and might work them in if I can make them fit. As for my release schedule. I'm working on another project right now (it's going to be a traditional novel and be released elsewhere), but my plan is to work on Harm Ethics when I can. So I'll try and get a chapter or two out when I find time to write it. Thanks for reading this far!
174. What Do You Think of Harems, Lysandra?
Sitting beside Lysandra at the long dining table, our hands clasped its surface, my heart quickened as I stared into her glowing amber eyes. This was it. She was going to agree to join the harem. A coy smile curled her lips. “The general rules I remember, but I would like a deeper understanding of this harem before I submit myself to yours and Saelia’s judgment of whether I am accepted as a full member.” My desire to cement mine and Saelia’s relationship with Lysandra pulsed in my heart and mind. She seemed to want to play games though… Or was this some kind of final reality check to see if she could accept everything that went with being part of the harem? My already stiff cock throbbed as though threatening me with vengeance if I didn’t seal the deal. I wanted her bad… but it’d break mine and Saelia’s hearts if she grew resentful and angry being in the harem. So I needed her to be absolutely certain she wanted to join. “What do you think of harems, Lysandra?” I asked. “Reall
173. Obvious to Anyone and Everyone
Lysandra shifted uncomfortably across from me at the long dining table of Stone Lock. My rebuttal to her demand that I tell Saelia I loved her by telling her she should do the same seemed to put her on edge. “The past few days she’s been so unwell,” she said, uncertainty slipping into her eyes, “and I’ve admittedly been uncertain if I can fully recommit my heart to her as well.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked, suppressing frustration at seeing her dawdling at the finish line when they were so close to patching things up.” Lysandra furrowed her brow, seeming to consider how to best answer my question. Feeling like I was diffusing a bomb and one wrong suggestion might make her overthink everything, I carefully prodded further. “Look, I don’t know exactly what happened between you two, but is it really something you don’t feel like you can’t move past?” A spark of emotion came to life in her amber eyes, and she pursed her lips. After considering for a moment longer, she si
172. There's Something You Must Do
Over the next three days, Lysandra had used me like a sexual chew toy to relieve her frustration over Saelia not letting us sleep in her room and my deflections when asked why. Fortunately, though, this frustration didn’t bleed into her dedication to her mission to improve my proficiency with my left hand and my ability to conjure items under pressure. Saelia had mostly slept, but came down like she promised whenever she was awake. During this time, she’d mostly recovered from her spiritual overdraft, and with this, she gradually returned to being her usual cheery self. Part of me was relieved to see her mood lift. However, my worry for her had not eased, because she still hadn’t told me what’d happened in New Venice. Waiting had been frustrating, but this morning Lysandra had said she believed Saelia would likely be fully recovered by the time dinner rolled around. Tonight was the night… I just wished I could fast forward time to get there faster. Lysandra, Saelia, and I sa
171. Rush
Lysandra charged at me from across the far side of Stone Lock’s main room. The excitement and burning power in her eyes made my heart thunder in my chest as flustered panic grew in me. Unlike Saelia, Lysandra didn’t zigzag or attempt anything resembling a tactical approach. Instead, she simply rushed towards me like a raging bull. I leveled the barrel of my gun and unloaded all six rounds into her. Each hit created splatters of glowing blue liquid on her chest, stomach, shoulder, and cheek. By the time I’d fired my last bullet, she’d closed the distance between us to no more than ten feet. There wouldn’t be time to reload, so I dropped the gun. As the empty firearm fell, I tossed the wooden breacher from my non-dominant left hand to my right. But before my fingers could even wrap around the handle, Lysandra was in arm’s reach. She swiped at me lazily with a slow hook. Just grabbing my dagger in time, I ducked the attack, feeling as thought I’d just dodged a baseball bat despite
170. Cozy Library
The declaration that she wanted to train had caught me off guard, considering we’d almost died last night, but when I’d processed what she’d said, a smile curved my lips. With the entrance exam for Chromaryn Academy approaching and after getting my ass beat by Faelius and Mark, I was determined to get stronger. So, when the angelic woman told me she wanted to train, I’d deferred feeing her until later and instead bubbled with eager excitement as I followed her from the library. Because I’d forgotten to ask for permission to unlock the front door to Stone Lock, Lysandra and I had settled for the open space between the entrance and the lounge. The warm light of the constellation of sun shards hanging from the stone ceiling felt like afternoon sunshine on my skin. I wore conjured black combat fatigues, boots, and a t-shirt. The only part of my armor I wore was my belt and gun holster. I hadn’t yet gotten around to cleaning the blood and grime off the rest. About half a dozen feet
169. Cozy Library
Closing the door behind me, I stepped into Stone Lock’s cozy library. At the room’s center, Lysandra sat at a table beneath a cluster of sun shards hanging from the ceiling. Book in hand, her eyes trailed across the pages as she read. When I entered, her attention slid to me. “She is asleep, right?” “Yup, out cold. She said she’ll come down whenever she wakes up.“ I pulled out a chair and sat down at the square table. Remembering my promise to Saelia not to tell Lysandra about our conversation, I tried to steer the conversation in a different direction. My mouth curved into a teasing grin at the angelic woman and I nodded at the book. “‘The Needful Elf’? You and Saelia really do enjoy cultured literature.” “Yes, I do. What is it to you?” she said, a hint of sheepish defensiveness coloring her expression. “Nothing,” I said with a small chuckle. “You just don’t seem like the type.” “Oh? What ‘type’ am I?” she asked, a hint of annoyance and challenge creeping into her voice.
168. You Won't Understand...
Sitting next to Saelia in the pitch blackness of her room, I stared at her blindly. “That’s not true!” The incredulous response from my heart bypassed my brain and rushed straight out of my mouth. “Mark doesn’t know shit!” “No, he does…” Frustrated anger simmered in me. It threatened to boil over at the way she was talking about herself, but I managed to stifle the urge to righteously dismiss the ridiculous claims. Instead, I attacked the root of the problem. “What happened in New Venice is the reason you won’t use your Scorcher magic, right?” Wimpers leaked from her as her effort to control her voice wavered. “Yes…” “It’s the reason you feel like this?” “Yes…” “Alright, tell me what happened. I’ll tell you after if I think you’re a monster or not.” “Please… Don’t make me do this…” My heart tensed at the quivering fear in her exhausted voice, but I pressed forward. “I don’t think you’re a monster… but this seems to be the only way I can think of to convince you of it.” “Y