Jackson had just presented a brand-new game changing special ability to me. As our minds struggled to comprehend the massive reach this special ability allowed us, a spine-tingling shrieking scream sliced through the air from downstairs. It was our mom, something was wrong as neither of us had ever heard her scream like that before, hell, we had never heard a scream like that before from anyone or anything. Instead of celebrating Jackson's new ability, we both launched from my bedroom and raced downstairs to see what was the matter.
My worried eyes scanned the area for my mom. She was still screaming, causing my vision to blur and my body to shake. The adrenaline from the fact that she was going through something horrible hit me very hard. The scream, cutting like a knife against my eardrum, grew louder and more intense but I was unable to see my mom. The front do

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Haunting Naomi Chapter 112
The gigantic demon made an awkward face, defeated already, even before it had truly begun its horrid attack. Jackson was able to shatter the spirit of a being that genuinely had no spirit at all. Todd stumbled back to his windowless, white van as he had quickly determined that he was going to be absolutely no use to Jackson or me during this encounter. The best thing he could do was stay out of the way and keep himself alive. I was not quite sure how I fit into this equation, for the first time in my demon hunting career, I was unsure of what to do and if I should try to take charge or not. Jackson seemed to have everything under control, even though we had only just begun our encounter with the humongous demon. Do I call in the troops, do I stand by and watch Jackson, what is the right move here for me to take? I sai
Haunting Naomi Chapter 113
In a literal standoff, the towering demon stood toe-to-toe with my little brother, Jackson. Just visually, this match up seemed absolutely out of hand and unwinnable for the living. This is a true lesson to never judge a book by its cover alone. Visually, this was the type of fight no one even bothered to watch, did not need to spend their hard-earned money on, turned away so that they did not witness a literal murder. Those people would miss out on the victory of all victories. Jackson stepped forward in response to the gigantic demon's advancement. That was an unexpected response, as the demon widened its eyes and growled in frustration. Jackson still clinched the self-made orb in his hand, tightly but with respect. He knew this would be the game changing attacking device he needed to take down a demon that was lar
Haunting Naomi Chapter 114
Sarah Macly, my former alliance member, the one that shot me in the head with a self-conjured fireball sending me through the hell portal in Mrs. Tannell’s living room, was still securely tied up and gagged in my closet. I could not help but notice that ever since she had taken the life of Scott Geraldo, Jennifer's former boyfriend, the demon attacks had increased in occurrence tenfold, hell, one hundred-fold. We had to do something to curb these attacks so Jackson and I could resume some sort of normal life and enjoy the remainder of our childhood. No one had stumbled upon the tied and gagged Sarah Macly lying in my closet under piles of clothes and shoes, but I feared that someone would at some point. She needed to be properly neutralized so that things could go back to normal, whatever normal was for a pair of demon hunting siblings that had a mother that had killed a child in a hit-a
Haunting Naomi Chapter 115
Jackson rested his head on my pillow as his eyes danced behind their lids. Hopefully, he was having a very wholesome dream about life in the future where he was not a demon overlord or some sort of monster pulling the strings of the puppets he controlled and guided in an attempt to cause absolute horror. I had just had an unfortunate encounter with Sarah Macly in my closet, stupid bitch inflicted some wild damage to my left arm. At the time, pain was not even a thought, that luxury had passed quickly. This was one of the few fleeting times I was happy to have a hardwood floor as a highlight to my room. Dark crimson blood drained down my forearm, paused on my fingertips after painting the lines of my palm, and dripped thickly to the floor. Small explosions of dark red splattered on my floor, almost indistinguishable accents to the dark stained planks. Now that I had hand
Haunting Naomi Chapter 116
After his pulse rate dropped significantly, Jackson leapt from my bed and shook off the sting of my yellow 'I need you to save my life' laser beam. He quickly realized that I had shot him on purpose and that things were not alright in this house or outside of my window. Todd had failed his attempt to scale the chalice leading to my window, resulting in a severe fall and the possible alerting of my parents to his presence. Jackson needed to solve the problem of my body being attacked by some sort of demonic infection and he needed to somehow prevent my parents from discovering Todd as he gathered himself after the fall. Even though Jackson was undoubtedly the strongest of all of us, he was still very young and could easily make a mistake amidst all the panic. If Todd were discovered by my parents, he would certainly be arrested on the assumption of some sort of child pre
Haunting Naomi Chapter 117
The capsules I took had begun churning around in my stomach and through my blood. I was not warned of any sort of consequences the capsules could cause if taken during a time of physic distress. The last time I took them, I transformed into an unrecognizable beast that could accomplish monumental feats. Turns out, that was not going to be happening this time, my arm was severely damaged by a demon which presented a unique set of problems. My phone vibrated; I could not tell what it said at all, but the vibration was insatiable. Raising it to my ear slowly and precisely, I answered just in case it was an emergency. Maybe it was God or maybe it was Lucifer, I was willing to roll the dice. Turns out, it was not either of them but someone even more important to me deep in my heart. I said, "Hello...not a good time..
Haunting Naomi Chapter 118
As if they were in a faraway land, I could hear Jennifer and Todd conversing as they approached my house. The words were so faint, I was not sure if they were arguing, planning, talking about random stuff, but I was relieved that they were here. The main issue now was going to be getting Todd into the house, but that may not be needed considering that Jackson had rescued my pendant from the clutches of Sarah Macly. My arm was still leaking blood, deep thick coagulating blood. All around me on the floor was a moat of congealing blood that had drained from my forearm and found a new home on the hardwood floor of my bedroom. The pain from the wounds was now very apparent, having all my senses back because I was no longer under the spell of Sarah. To be honest, it felt good to feel again.
Haunting Naomi Chapter 119
There was nothing we could do, Jackson and I, at this moment with Jennifer locked in my bedroom closet with the demon that killed her boyfriend, Sarah Macly. I called her over here to help me and things ended up turning into a disastrous chain of events. Jackson was working away to fix my arm from the trenches that Sarah dug into my forearm, but I had asked him to keep Jennifer away from the closet and Sarah. That was all he had to do to help me while I fought off the brain fog from Sarah’s sneak attack. A litany of noises slithered from under the gap of the door, the little area between the door and the hardwood. A lot of people do not know this but that little gap has a way of distorting noises to make them seem altered or something that they are not at all. If someone that did not know what was going on had walked it, they would never have figured out what was happening. That is why some kids end up getting scared in the middle of the n
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Chapter 157
Todd was back amongst the living, standing with Jennifer and Jackson, as all three of them stared at me with the fire of one thousand suns. I am certain that not one of them had any idea why I was motivated to trade my life for Todd’s but it was not their concern. The main concern now was to stay alive just long enough to eliminate Mrs. Tannell and destroy the portal to hell that resided in her living room. Through all of this, the killing, the death, the pain, the suffering, it had come to me out of the blue that Mrs. Tannell must be provoking these attacks, especially if she knew I had killed Sarah Macly, her lone granddaughter, she would have all the motivation in the world to make my life a living hell. The end was drawing near, not only for me, but for Mrs. Tannell as well. It was time to end this, once and for all. On
Chapter 156
Todd, the backbone of our alliance, the mini one and the real one, was now lying on his back showing no signs of life at all. His eyes rested still and gray. They were wide open, as stoic as they had ever been in his entire life. His stomach stopped rising with life, he was not breathing at all now. Death had one hand around him, holding on for his dear life, waiting to take his soul away into the ether, never to be seen again. In your last moments, death has a way of making you look as peaceful and calm as you have ever been before. It is the darndest thing, being in the worst position of your life, your soul is floating away, and the lights are beginning to dim, you are dying but from the outside, you look as calm, cool, and collected as you have ever in the history of your breathing days. This generally applies to any and all deaths, except for the horrified ones. Those will make you sick to your stomach. Jesus Christ hims
Chapter 155
Todd was in very severe pain, whatever was attacking him was clearly making sure this event was filled with pure pain and horrific suffering. With his pant leg ripped from its seam, Todd’s burn wound throbbed and pulsed with an alerting rhythm. His body was being manipulated by something, some sort of demon that we could not put our eyes on. This put the three of us at a severe disadvantage. It had become very obvious that we needed to act fast, but we had to act efficiently. Flying off the hinges would almost certainly result in a catastrophic failure, that was absolutely unacceptable. All we came here to do was secure demon Sarah where no one would think to find her and we ended up being attacked by an old demon woman, demon wolves, a huge mimicking demon, and I killed a man. This could not have gone any worse, except for some sort of death on our end. Now was not the time for reflection though, Todd needed us, and it was looking
Chapter 154
Todd, with his leg wound, would have to wait just a bit longer while we investigated what we thought was the man I killed as he ran into the light. Obviously, if I killed him, he would not be able to make moaning noises or anything like that, so it was fairly easy to discern that the dead man had been turned into a demon and he would certainly be looking for some sweet, delicious revenge. I mean, who would be alright with getting killed out of the blue? Jennifer and Jackson had taken the lead as I made a fine attempt at catching up to them as we headed towards the corner of the abandoned K-Mart. The moaning was like a mating call, this was not the typical ‘I am in pain’ moan. It resonated incessantly, calling us to come and see what was happening. Judging by previous experience, I had no clue about what may be around the corner, all I knew was that we were walking towards danger, and we had to be ready. I said, “Slow down, guys. Le
Chapter 153
I could not hold my curiosity back from taking a peek at the filthy, old three-ringed binder. I sincerely wish I had; I was not in the right mental space to read what I had just read. Gaining the knowledge that was hidden away inside of that binder was more of a curse than it was a blessing. The way I thought about life, in general, changed dramatically from that point on, nothing would ever be the same again. Written in ink on a hardened piece of lined notebook paper, I read the following: ‘Today, September 23rd, 1976, I met a few young women that claimed they had been in an accident. Linda Ericson, approximately eighteen years old, Sandra Tannell, approximately twenty-four years old, and Wanda Williams, approximately twenty-eight years old, were in the old Sander’s coffee shop talking amongst themselves. I was studying up on my favorite subject, which will remain nameless because it is so obvious, especially if someone other than m
Chapter 152
The slaughtered body of the homeless drug addict that I split in two with a hellacious laser beam from my inscripted hand before we entered the darkness had disappeared. It was clearly splayed out for all to see and showed no obvious logical signs of going anywhere anytime soon. How it had magically disappeared was beyond me, there was not even a sign of blood or fragments of flesh lying about. It truly baffled my mind as to how a body that had been split into two distinct halves could have disappeared along with all the splattered pieces that went along with it. We had finally broken free from the darkness of the abandoned, decrepit K-Mart and had made our way into the light of the outside world. Todd’s van was still where we had left it, everything was still in place just as it was before we entered the darkness to save Todd and defeat the
Chapter 151
There is a time that comes in every single person’s life, no one is immune from it, that you see someone you love as the worst being on the face of the planet. It happens to all of us, it does not last long, but it does happen. None of us want this to happen, who wants to hate someone they love so dearly? At this moment in time, after what Jackson did, after I tell you what he did, you will understand how I had this feeling.It all happened so fast, to be honest. There was no time for any of us to respond to what he thought was the right thing to do. Telling the story now, even as dead as I am, my heart still hurts from that moment. More than how horrible I felt when I found out my mom hit a child with a car, killed him, and left the scene. It is the worst I have ever felt. Jackson made a decision and performed an action, he was scared, and he acted out, it was a mistake, but he did not see it as that in the heat of the mo
Chapter 150
The giant wolf had been struck one time by the now deceased mimicking demon that had taken Todd into the darkness of the abandoned K-Mart. Shining the spotlight on the wolf’s body, the attack by the demon had contacted its torso. Ribs and blood, internal organs and shredded flash all filled my line of sight when inspecting the giant wolf that had saved the day and eliminated the mimicking demon. As usual, our mission’s objective had been modified on the fly. We had to get to Todd, he was hunched over in the corner, we were still not sure if he was alright or if he was in need of some rejuvenation. Now, I felt we were obligated to take care of the giant wolf, the one that formerly was possessed and under control of demon Mrs. Williams. It was the least we could do considering the fact that the wolf had single handedly taken care of the demon and saved us a lot of heartache and potential damages. I said, “Jennifer, go to Todd. Make s
Chapter 149
Navigating as effectively and efficiently around the poor homeless man that I had just split in half after he came running out of the darkness, the three of us walked briskly into the abandoned K-Mart ready for a fight to save Todd. On my way in, I snatched up the spotlight and made sure it illuminated every square inch of real estate in front of us, ensuring our path was clear or we would be able to see anything dangerous in our way so that we could work our way around it. Shining the light back and forth, covering my two counterparts from any attacks from drunks or druggies, we pushed in as fast as possible without risking any chance of injury or worse. Jennifer and Jackson led the charge, side by side, ready to get into the action and accomplish our goal of getting Todd back in one piece. I took up the rear, providing the light needed and also making sure nothing snuck up behind us as the darkness chased behind our feet. In the distance, as we ru