187. Bloomfield Sisters



"Phew... Arrgh...!" Asher finally took a relieved breath but groaned, feeling fatigued and his stomach hurting.

He got down from the bed and grabbed his clothes, quickly changing out of the hospital gown. He took his medication to keep his sanity before putting it back in his pocket.

"Hmmn... what is this?" He noticed a card that had fallen out of his pocket, picking it up to take a look.

"Veridian Treatment Centre, huh...!" Asher read the card, then turned it over to find a message written on the back: "Come to my Hospital if you want to cure your ChronoCell Syndrome. You don't have much time, so make your decision sooner rather than later."

"What is this... how did this person know...!" Asher felt shocked as he read the message, then he looked at the address on the card.

"The Morning Pearl." Seeing the familiar name, he thought about his hopeless situation and considered his options before deciding to give it a try.

He paid the hospital bill and quickly left, heading s
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