189. The Spring of Healing Heart



"Alright, see you tomorrow!" Aarav locked the door carefully before walking away, bidding them goodbye.

"Hey, Mr. Veridian, please don't leave us hanging like that!" Flora and Blossom called out in frustration, but Aarav only waved at them before hailing a cab and leaving them standing there.

"Seriously, why didn't he explain clearly? He just left us here. Can you believe him, sister?" Flora muttered in frustration, turning to her sister Blossom, who shared the same expression.

"Did we lose our charm, sister? Or does our new boss swing that way?" Blossom's question earned her a stink eye from Flora.

"Arghh...let's just go. We need to prepare for tomorrow," Flora groaned, poking her heels into the pavement before the sisters decided to leave and return home to rest early.


Aarav arrived at the usual place near the church and saw that the bishops, along with others, were already present.

"Whoa...look at the crowd, this is insane. Let's hope what I planned will w
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