191. The Magnificent City



"How much longer until we reach the gate?" Archbishop Deniel asked the cab driver, eyeing the long line of vehicles ahead.

"About half an hour, Sir," the young driver replied.

"Very well," Archbishop Deniel nodded, his gaze drifting to the towering 50-meter-long wall ahead.

Even from a distance, the wall looked imposing, prompting people to wonder how it was constructed ages ago.

"Do you know, Sir, what's really famous in this city lately?" The young cab driver struck up a conversation, noticing they still had some time before reaching the city.

"Well, I haven't been to this city in a while, so I'm not up to date with the recent changes," replied the Archbishop, intrigued by the opportunity to learn from a local's perspective.

In truth, his first agenda was to gather information directly from the locals about the city. He valued their firsthand experiences.

"Well, let me tell you, Sir. You might want to see it for yourself. It's the newly opened drama play hosted once a
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