199. Busy Veridian Treatment Centre



"This is..." Pope Aurelius's expression turned to shock as he read the details mentioned in the report.

"We were shocked too when we got these results, your grace. It's an understatement to say that those three traitors didn't just corrupt all of them," Cardinal Serena said, noticing Pope Aurelius's reaction.

"Sigh... I had expected something, but not this much. More than half of our members got expelled, and this is going to create several issues later," Pope Aurelius sighed, stopping his stare at the reports before handing them back to the Cardinals. He looked sadly towards the Statue of God Elandor.

He came and sat down in front of the statue, feeling disheartened as he remembered how he had sacrificed his youth to help many members in their organization, only for them to betray his hope and lose their faith in their God Elandor.

If it were just in the capital, he wouldn't be this disheartened, as this happened in all other cities of the Realm of Elandor.

The Crystal
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