208. The Neon Night Pub Gang's Misfortune



"What's with your attitude, man? Are you trying to provoke me?" Viper glared at Aarav, their eyes locked in a tense stare-down.

"Huh...ain't you the one pickin' a fight, you dumbass!" Aarav glared at the ruffian, towering over him by a few inches.

Aarav studied the ruffian, narrowing his eyes.

Viper, a wiry guy with a perpetually cocky grin, had hair dyed a bright purple, and sported dark sunglasses hiding his eyes. His style leaned towards edgy streetwear, with leather jackets covered in patches.

"You lookin' for trouble, huh...!" Viper sneered, trying to intimidate Aarav with his arrogance.

But a chill ran down his spine as Aarav's eyes met his. Aarav was contemplating how to deal with these thugs, his impatience growing.

Aarav suddenly remembered he hadn't finished his work for the day and needed to get to the church quickly before he kept the believers waiting.

"Viper...what's going on? Why are you arguing with him? Just figure out if he's our target or not!" A femal
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